Elisabeth Farrell

  • Come Through Into Power

    Come Through Into Power

    There are times God sits you down and says, “Here are some things you need to know!” When God brings you into that kind of season, it’s a very special time. Treasure it! What He teaches you in a season of instruction will equip you for all that lies ahead.The children of Israel went on…

  • Break Old Cycles for 2012

    Break Old Cycles for 2012

    Israel was an example of a corporate group who had to overcome several things to enter their promised land. The following spiritual assignment will allow us to move forward into the fullness of God’s plan for our lives as we look toward 2012.Make a list of old cycles. Now is the time to break from…

  • Women Transforming the World

    Women Transforming the World

    Editor's Note: This article, still applicable today, was originally published in 2000.Women of God have always been at the center of His purposes. Mothers of faith will play a vital role in establishing the course of Christ's kingdom.It is the dawn of a new millennium—and the start of a significant new day for women in…

  • Are You Ready to Overcome?

    Are You Ready to Overcome?

    Did you know that when you speak from your spirit man you overcome? All of the testing you are going through is linked with the word of your testimony that comes out of your mouth, and is produced at the end of your testing. Your spirit man is like the Ark of the Covenant, where

  • Believe That You Can and You Will

    Believe That You Can and You Will

    Time and space are two of the most interesting and difficult concepts to grasp as you move through your life journey. We are in time, but God is not. Though some of us may feel that we were born out of time, we have been set in time and place to understand our Creator and…

  • It’s Time to ‘Go Beyond’!

    It’s Time to ‘Go Beyond’!

    I am calling you from beyond! You have been held in a place that I am calling you from. I am beyond where you are now. Come from where you are to beyond! Come from where you are to beyond! Come from where you are to beyond! For I am marshalling My army and I…

  • Never Give In to Self-Pity

    Never Give In to Self-Pity

    The opposite of confidence and worth is self-pity. Self-pity occurs when we feel we are warranted to receive but get passed by. This can occur in our natural or spiritual life. Self-pity helps define our moment or, may I say, cause us to miss our moment. We feel we are deserving or entitled to a…

  • God’s Word on the Gulf Coast Crisis

    God’s Word on the Gulf Coast Crisis

    The Lord longs for His glory to cover the earth like the waters cover the sea (see Hab. 2:14). The sea of the Gulf of Mexico is now filled with a gunk that represents uncapped resources that are now coming onto our shores. What has opened up is a spewing power that the enemy is…

  • You Always Win, So Why Are You Losing?

    You Always Win, So Why Are You Losing?

    No matter what the enemy throws at you, you can overcome? Here’s why. I’m telling you prophetically that the Lord is calling forth a triumphant reserve. He will have a bride without spot or wrinkle. No matter what failures we have previously experienced, we will be a strong people who do exploits, using the resources

  • Never Give in to Self-Pity

    Never Give in to Self-Pity

    One of the best examples of self-pity is the crippled man at the Pool of Bethesda (see John 5). Jesus knew his full condition and then, through Peter, asked the man if he wished to be healed. The man began to explain why he had not and could not be healed. Jesus seemed to quit…

  • I Am Raising You Above Your Confusion!

    I Am Raising You Above Your Confusion!

    Editor's Note: Below is a prophecy Chuck Pierce received as he sought the Lord in prayer during the first week of September. The Lord is saying: "There is a wind that is beginning to blow the dust from your shelf. You are being called and will be sent forward again. "There will be fastings in…

  • Position Yourself for the Future

    Position Yourself for the Future

    On Sunday, August 16, I heard the Spirit of God say, "Some of you have had the fight knocked out of you. The Spirit of God is bringing a new wind of strength to cause a new fight to rise up in you. The fight has been knocked out of you because you stayed in…

  • A Very Narrow Way

    A Very Narrow Way

    At early morning prayer [on Tuesday, July 1], I began to prophesy about a very narrow way coming for us. ... Here is a portion of the revelation that came forth prophetically. We could hear the Lord saying: "A new corridor is forming, and I will narrow your way. You must narrow your desires. I…

  • You Can Start Again

    You Can Start Again

    There is hope in the middle of darkness. Usually in the midst of our dark times in life, we find ourselves filled with trauma and loss. These elements hide in our very cells. Trauma is like a snapshot from a camera. The picture of the trauma is stored deep in our brains, but the Holy…

  • Looking Forward to 2008

    We must not allow fear, unbelief or doubt to stop us.

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