Charissa Steffens

  • I Heard the Lord Say, ‘Here Come the Firewalkers’

    I Heard the Lord Say, ‘Here Come the Firewalkers’

    Recently, as I was sitting in the presence of God, my feet began to burn. The sensation ran up to my calves, and my feet felt hot and sensitive. I asked the Holy Spirit what was happening and I heard Him say, “Here come the firewalkers.” The Holy Spirit impressed on me that in the

  • A Reformation of the Anointing

    A Reformation of the Anointing

    What is the anointing and who is it for? The anointing was outworked in the Old Testament differently from the New Testament. In the Old Testament, people were chosen by God and anointed with oil, which represented the Holy Spirit (Exod. 29;30:22-33). God’s heart was that Israel would be a kingdom of priests and that

  • Come to the Well: An Invitation for the Outcast

    Come to the Well: An Invitation for the Outcast

    Recently, as I was sitting in worship, the Holy Spirit showed me a scene of Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman from John 4. The woman stood with her head down. A carefully constructed façade hid the shame she carried in her heart. She was partially resentful and partially afraid as Jesus tried

  • Prophetic Insight: The Lighthouses and the Lost

    Prophetic Insight: The Lighthouses and the Lost

    On the most eastern point of the Australian shoreline is a lighthouse. The Cape Byron Lighthouse sits 94 meters above sea level but is only 22 meters tall as it was built on a large rocky outcrop. There was no need for the lighthouse to be a towering structure because the rock on which it

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Reclaim Your Territory’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Reclaim Your Territory’

    “In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people” (Isaiah 11:11a, NIV). Recently, we had some landscaping done to our property. Originally there was a wall that separated the side yard from the front of the block. While the wall provided privacy, it

  • Relationships 101: What You Can Learn From Mary and Martha

    Relationships 101: What You Can Learn From Mary and Martha

    Are we too heavenly minded to be any earthly good? This is often said of people who talk about God a lot but are not practically helpful. Think of Mary and Martha. Maybe Martha was the first one to come up with the saying as she fumed in the kitchen at her sister Mary. In

  • The Apostle Paul’s 5 Keys to Powerful Prayer

    The Apostle Paul’s 5 Keys to Powerful Prayer

    My parents taught me the importance of one particular prayer each day. Every morning, when I hop into my car, if I haven’t declared a version of this passage, I do so right then and there. Can you guess what it might be? Maybe you thought of the Lord’s model prayer from Matthew 6:9-13? That’s

  • God Is Going to Turn Your Disaster Into Your Destiny

    God Is Going to Turn Your Disaster Into Your Destiny

    Humanity faced disaster in 2020. A disaster is any event that has unfortunate consequences—a sudden accident or natural catastrophe that causes great damage, even loss of life. COVID-19 ticked all of these boxes as it raced across the globe at an unimaginable pace. Abruptly, bustling streets, usually swamped with people became deserted museums, hospitals became

  • Prophetic Word: Holy Spirit says, ‘Yes! You May’

    Prophetic Word: Holy Spirit says, ‘Yes! You May’

    “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isa. 41:10). I heard the Spirit declaring, “May is the month of ‘Yes, you may.’ I am moving you out

  • Release Your Prophetic Voice in Power

    Release Your Prophetic Voice in Power

    Growing up in a Pentecostal church, the supernatural gifts were an accepted part of every Sunday meeting. People came seeking more than a sermon; they came hungry for a move of the Spirit, an encounter with God. Whether that looked like a prophetic word, or being “slain” in the Spirit, there was an anticipation that

  • Prophecy: It Is Time to Unshackle the Prophetic

    Prophecy: It Is Time to Unshackle the Prophetic

    As I was in a time of worship, the Lord brought back to me a word He had given me for Australia. He highlighted one of the key elements of the word that focused on the prophetic in the nation of the nation. While this word is on my heart for my nation, I believe,

  • Prophetic Word: Holy Spirit Says, ‘It Is Time for the Game Changer’

    Prophetic Word: Holy Spirit Says, ‘It Is Time for the Game Changer’

    I recently heard the Spirit say, “It is time for the game changer.” With these words came a sense of anticipation that God is on the move; change is in the air; and major shifts are taking place. I asked the Lord for more understanding, thinking that something was about to happen that would alter

  • Prophetic Vision: The Lord Says, ‘It’s Harvest Time’

    Prophetic Vision: The Lord Says, ‘It’s Harvest Time’

    As I was praying recently, I saw a picture of Father God standing in a wheat field. The wheat was tall and golden, stretching as far as my eyes could see. Directly in front of Him was a clearing. I stood facing Him, and I noticed His hand held a staff. As I looked up,

  • Are You Making Godly Choices or Good Choices?

    Are You Making Godly Choices or Good Choices?

    The wisdom of God is vital in making godly choices over good choices. Then why do we undervalue it so much? Before you think you don’t, remember that our inclination to ignore God’s promptings in this area date back to Adam and Eve. Often, we lack a deep understanding of the wisdom of God. We

  • Prophecy: God Is Calling the Noahs, the Solomons and the Johns as Builders

    Prophecy: God Is Calling the Noahs, the Solomons and the Johns as Builders

    Recently the Lord began to speak to me about His builders. These are the ones who God has chosen and planted within them a desire to build in the new season for Him. These are ones who have walked with the Lord and sought His desires for His kingdom. They have put God first, as

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