Charisma Media

  • 5 Steps to Defeat the Evil Spirit of Jezebel on a National Level

    5 Steps to Defeat the Evil Spirit of Jezebel on a National Level

    It’s easy to get mad at other people, says author and national radio host Dr. Michael Brown. Media isn’t fair. The courts are biased. Schools are brainwashing kids. The porn industry is evil. Hollywood is pumping out trash. The internet giants are anti-Christian. LGBT activists are taking away rights. “We all have our list of

  • Bible Reading Guide – MEV

    A Message from Stephen Strang July – Bible Reading Guide “For freedom Christ freed us. Stand fast therefore and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” —Galatians 5:1 July 1 Is. 1-3 Titus 3 July 2 Is. 4-5 Ps. 115-116 Jude July 3 Is. 6-7 2 Chr. 26-27 Philemon July 4 2

  • The Incredible Benefits of Really Knowing God

    The Incredible Benefits of Really Knowing God

    There was a time in my life when I struggled with all types of fears and insecurities, constantly worried about the future, my job, my ministry and my family. Needless to say, I wasn’t really enjoying my life! However, over time, the Lord helped me to change … and He helped me understand an important

  • WATCH: Supernatural Journeys Through Heaven, Hell and Prophetic Revelations

    WATCH: Supernatural Journeys Through Heaven, Hell and Prophetic Revelations

    Glenda Jackson shares her supernatural journeys to both heaven and hell, as well as some truly stunning prophetic revelations. Watch and be amazed!

  • An Incredible Journey of Visitations and Visions

    An Incredible Journey of Visitations and Visions

    James Maloney shares his prophetic journey as God has used him through visions, visitations and miracles on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural. Take a look!

  • Hobby Lobby Founder’s Audacious Plan to Help America Rediscover God’s Word

    Hobby Lobby Founder’s Audacious Plan to Help America Rediscover God’s Word

    He stood up to Obamacare and won at the Supreme Court. Now Steve Green, founder of the Hobby Lobby retail chain, is fighting to turn back the tide of biblical ignorance and apathy. Watch as Green and ancient-manuscript specialist Dr. Scott Carroll tell how they acquired the largest private rare Bible collection in the world

  • ‘I’m In Love With a Church Girl’ Encourages Shared Christian Belief Among Couples

    ‘I’m In Love With a Church Girl’ Encourages Shared Christian Belief Among Couples

    I’m In Love With A Church Girl is a faith-based drama with a few laughs. The movie stars rapper Jeff ‘Ja Rule’ Atkins as Miles Montego, a former drug dealer who’s living the high life with plenty of money to spare. Though he’s now a legitimate businessman trying to turn his life around, the DEA is keeping

  • Rising Above

    You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. Genesis 50:20

  • A Credible Identity

    For I know where I came from and where I am going . . . I am not alone. The Father who sent me is with me. John 8:14, 16

  • The Power of Partnership

    Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. Philippians 1:4-5

  • Qualified

    By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3

  • Synchronized Harmony

    When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. John 16:13

  • The Purposeful Life

    Pilate said, "So you are a king?"Jesus responded, "You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.""What is truth?" Pilate asked.John 18:37-38

  • Redefining Success

    So the LORD was with him, and Hezekiah was successful in everything he did. He revolted against the king of Assyria and refused to pay him tribute. 2 Kings 18:7

  • Don’t Give Up

    Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. Hebrews 10:36

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