Ben Godwin

  • How God Can Take You From the Underdog to the Top Dog

    How God Can Take You From the Underdog to the Top Dog

    We all love rags-to-riches and tragedy-to-triumph stories. We’re inspired when someone overcomes overwhelming odds and obstacles to rise to the top. We cheer when an unknown underdog upsets a favored champion. The Bible contains many stories of God using unlikely underdogs to win great victories. “The Lord will make you the head and not the

  • Where Do You Run When You Face Uncertain Times?

    Where Do You Run When You Face Uncertain Times?

    David is the most prominent Bible character besides Jesus. His name, mentioned 1,139 times in the King James Version, means “beloved.” He was loved by God and still is by millions of Bible readers inspired by his story. But not everyone loved him. He was hated by some of his own brothers, his father-in-law, King

  • Faith that is Unshakable

    Faith that is Unshakable

    In 1957, singer Jerry Lee Lewis recorded the hit song “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On.” Elvis Presley recorded his version of it in 1970. Of course, that secular song referred to shaking bodies on the dance floor, as the rock ‘n roll craze swept our nation. There’s a different kind of shaking happening today —

  • The Antivenom to the Fake Snake on a Stake

    The Antivenom to the Fake Snake on a Stake

    Every story in Scripture teaches us either what to do or what not to do—and sometimes both. These history lessons were recorded, so we can glean wisdom from them. Why fall into the same trap they fell into? Why not avoid their mistakes? The ancient account of the venomous vipers infesting Israel’s camp is mentioned

  • Why Believers Must Avoid the Satanic Trap of Isolation

    Why Believers Must Avoid the Satanic Trap of Isolation

    One of Satan’s biggest traps we must avoid is isolation. No person is an island unto themselves. We were not designed to live in prolonged solitude but to interact in a network of healthy relationships. Isolation is not healthy for us physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. We need meaningful relationships with other people and genuine

  • 10 Reasons Why Your Prayers May Go Unanswered

    10 Reasons Why Your Prayers May Go Unanswered

    We all face dry spells when prayer feels like a waste of time. Every Christian experiences times when God seems a million miles away. Then we must walk by faith and not by our feelings. When we can’t trace God’s hand, we must trust His heart. Excluding Psalms, the Bible records over 650 prayers, of

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor Reveals 7 Ways to Identify the Spirit of the Antichrist

    Spirit-Filled Pastor Reveals 7 Ways to Identify the Spirit of the Antichrist

    Many believe the Antichrist will be a literal, global leader, but the spirit of the antichrist already permeates the world with its corrosive influence. We need keen spiritual discernment to recognize and resist it. Jesus warned that the number one sign indicating His soon return is mass deception (Matt. 24:4-5). He predicted deception will be

  • Why Believers Should Boldly Decree Psalm 51:10 Right Now

    Why Believers Should Boldly Decree Psalm 51:10 Right Now

    Like many Americans, I was appalled by and ashamed of what transpired in Washington, D.C., as protesters stormed the capitol. It was an ugly and sad day for America and a bad look to the rest of the world. I love our country deeply and it grieves me to see the hatred and division on

  • Bible Heroes Who Made Their Way From the ‘Naughty to Nice’ List

    Bible Heroes Who Made Their Way From the ‘Naughty to Nice’ List

    We all know the song lyrics, “He’s making a list; he’s checking it twice! He’s going to find out who’s naughty or nice. Santa Claus is coming to town!” Making Santa’s list is one thing, but what about God’s list? Let’s change the lyrics: “He’s making a list. He paid a great price! He can

  • When God Put Himself in a Box

    When God Put Himself in a Box

    We often say, “don’t put God in a box” but, ironically, He put Himself in one for over 800 years! What we mean by that phrase is to take the limits off of God and give Him freedom to work as He sees fit. God didn’t confine Himself inside a box completely, but for centuries

  • 6 Ways God Uses Tragedy for Your Good

    6 Ways God Uses Tragedy for Your Good

    Over a hundred tornadoes ripped through 10 states Easter weekend causing massive damage and over 30 deaths. An invisible virus has knocked the world to its knees making millions sick and killing thousands. The global economy staggers under the weight of closed businesses, lost jobs and lost revenue. Medical teams are stretched to the limit

  • How God Is Waking Up an Army of Spiritual Samuels

    How God Is Waking Up an Army of Spiritual Samuels

    Samuel played a pivotal role as a bridge between the judges and the kings of Israel. The times of the Judges spans over 300 years from the death of Joshua to the coronation King Saul. “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 21:25).

  • What Every Spirit-Filled Believer Must Know About the First Pentecost

    What Every Spirit-Filled Believer Must Know About the First Pentecost

    As we recently celebrated Pentecost Sunday, we were reminded that God is still pouring out His Spirit as He did on the first-century church. The term “Pentecost” is found three times in the Bible (Acts 2:1, 20:16; 1 Cor. 16:8) and refers to a specific feast and holiday on the Jewish calendar. The word “Pentecost”

  • When Tragedy Strikes, Which Way Will You Choose?

    When Tragedy Strikes, Which Way Will You Choose?

    Ruth and Esther are the two Bible books named after women. Benjamin Franklin was so fond of Ruth he pulled a prank on his cronies in Paris as the ambassador to France. He often attended the “Infidel’s Club,” a group of intellectuals who read literary masterpieces but spurned the Bible. He told them he found

  • 7 Simple Words That Change Your World

    7 Simple Words That Change Your World

    It might surprise you to know the word “faith” is only mentioned two times in the Old Testament. There were many true believers back then, but they were the exception rather than the rule. Synonyms like “believe(d)” and “trust” are found numerous times. Heroes of faith like Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel and others overcame their

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