Anna Rountree

  • Learning to Love Him

    Learning to Love Him

    What does it take to love God with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength as the Scriptures command?Among our friends in ministry is one who literally died, appeared before Jesus in heaven and was sent back to Earth to complete his service to our Lord. Now he touches untold thousands for Christ.In relating his…

  • Keep Your Mind on Heavenly Things

    Keep Your Mind on Heavenly Things

    Living above in Christ while still walking and working on earth is the goal of every Christian. But how do we get there? A wonderful story has been handed down to us from the East. It goes like this: There was a king's son who, being expelled in infancy from his native city, was brought…

  • Becoming One With God

    Achieving true oneness with the trinity requires laying aside our own self or soul-life in order to live by the thoughts, desires and choices of Christ.The bombing of the World Trade Center on September 11 changed all our perspectives. Nonbelievers watched the crumbling towers and faced their own mortality. Believers saw the beginning of the…

  • Castles in the Sand

    IF WE'RE NOT CAREFUL, WE CAN INVEST A LOT OF ENERGY DEVELOPING PROJECTS THAT HAVE NO ETERNAL VALUE. WE NEED TO BUILD ACCORDING TO GOD'S PLAN, NOT OUR OWN.Editor's note: The following excerpt is a portion of the record of the Rountrees' visions of heaven and the revelations the Holy Spirit gave them. The excerpt…

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