Consider This Unsung Hero of the Bible
Sometimes, I think Martha in the Bible gets a bad rap! I am not saying that Jesus labeled Martha at…
Gain godly, biblical wisdom from James Goll’s poignant and powerful articles.
Sometimes, I think Martha in the Bible gets a bad rap! I am not saying that Jesus labeled Martha at…
Learning to listen with discernment means that you begin to recognize the voice of God so well that other voices…
Continue Reading… Prophet: Learning to Listen With Discernment
Jesus told us to persist—continuously and tirelessly—in asking, seeking and knocking on the doors of heaven. The New Living Translation…
Continue Reading… Why You Should Not Underestimate the Power of Coming Into Agreement
Do you want to grow and increase your sphere of influence? These two keys will make all the difference: faithfulness…
Continue Reading… Prophet: Two Keys That Will Increase Your Sphere of Influence
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the…
Continue Reading… The Stand in Ukraine: Crisis Intervention Through Intercession
A lot of people have conspiracy theories, but did you know that there is a real dimension of co-inspiring, or…
Continue Reading… Conspiring (Co-Inspiring) With God Through Prayer and Prophecy
We all know that Scripture tells us to pray for those in authority. To those who possess the fear of…
Continue Reading… How You Should Pray for People in Authority
Did you know that Communion, the Lord’s Supper, is a weapon of spiritual warfare?It really is.Some years ago, when I…
Continue Reading… The Overlooked Weapon of Spiritual Warfare
Does God still invade people’s lives with the supernatural today? What happens when God gets ahold of a person? How…
Continue Reading… God Encounters Change Lives—Including Yours
It’s time to dust off your dreams! Even if you’ve lived through some disappointments or disillusionment related to the dreams…
Continue Reading… Prophet: It’s Time to Dust Off Your Dreams
While the term is not found anywhere in the pages of Scripture, “prophetic intercession” is powerful because it allows you…
Continue Reading… James Goll: The Unlimited Power of Prophetic Intercession
The dark spirit of antisemitism—or what may be called “the spirit of Haman,” named after the man in the book…
Continue Reading… Prophet: Why We Must Catch the Mordecai Anointing
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