Wed. Sep 25th, 2024
Jesus Praying (Pixabay)

In a fast-paced world, sometimes even Christians can forget what it means to slow down and spend time with God. Perhaps, there’s a key to living like Christ that we’ve forgotten.

“So many times we’re so distracted and it becomes addicting,” Garcia says. “Not every addiction is something that is completely horrible and destructive like maybe substance abuse or different forms of immorality.”

To pre-order Chris Garcia’s new book, “Fresh Oil,” visit

Easy distractions in today’s world can come from items like the notifications we get on our phones as we constantly are being inundated with quick information, stimulating our dopamine levels.

So, what is the easiest way to kill our drive for constantly needing more and more information all the time?

“Contentment and in your simple relationship with God and your relationship with others will cause you to see the mundane things as moments of great enjoyment,” Garcia says.

Garcia says it is in the times we take to be alone with the Lord in prayer and meditation on the Word of God that transforms and renews our mind for the better.

“We’ve got to get to a place where we pull away in solitude and engage in God, in moments of stillness, being alone, meditating upon Him, His Word [and] the wonder of His person,” Garcia says.

“What we begin to notice is the washing of the dishes becomes an act of worship. The playing with our children…becomes a moment of praise,” Garcia notes.

As we allow the glory of God to enter these tasks, our life no longer is about ourselves, but rather about God’s presence in every single area of our lives.

“The reality is just as Christ took on flesh and divinity took on humanity, there is a shared space and God wants to share space with you. Not just in times of prayer, but also in times of family relationships and all of these things,” Garcia says.

Instead of being afraid of the silence, the Lord calls us into times of solitude so that we can grow closer to him and see His goodness in every facet of our lives.

Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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