Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Morning Rundown: 7 Keys to Being Prepared Before the Last Days


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7 Keys to Being Prepared Before the Last Days

I really believe that the Lord is preparing us to benefit from 2024 and beyond. Prophecy is for our benefit, not just for prognosticating but to point God’s people to areas where they need to be aware of what’s coming. So even if it’s bad news, it can actually be useful because we have the heads-up of things the Lord is guiding us to address and bring to Him. The Lord has begun speaking to me about seven prophetic things to really prepare God’s people for 2024. Scripture says the eyes of the Lord are running to and fro about the Earth, looking for those whose hearts are perfect to show Himself strong on their behalf. And so that means that right now, the Spirit of God is looking at hearts. He’s measuring a heart’s posture and alignment, like when he was looking for a candidate to be king over Israel and He found David, who He said was a man after His heart. This is particularly important for 2024 going forward.

1) Be Blameless

Living blamelessly before God is a foundational aspiration for all Christians, guided by the teachings of Scripture. In the Bible, the concept of blamelessness is not synonymous with perfection but rather reflects a heart and lifestyle surrendered to God’s will and grace.

Philippians 2:14-15 encourages believers, stating, “Do all things without murmuring and disputing, that you may be blameless and harmless, sons of God, without fault, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world.” This writing of Paul’s emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive and Christ-like attitude in a world filled with challenges and moral complexities.

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Is the Holy Spirit Nudging You? Learn to Obey His Prompting

I preached at a conference in California in 2013. During one of the meetings the Lord showed me that a woman there was struggling with infertility. I didn’t know who she was—all I knew was she was in the auditorium.

When I shared this word of knowledge with the audience, a young woman in the back of the room burst into tears. She had recently endured three miscarriages and was depressed because she feared she would never have a baby.

After this woman reluctantly came to the front of the auditorium, I prayed for her and asked the Lord to break the spirit of barrenness. Nothing dramatic happened in that moment. But I found out a year later that she became pregnant a month after the conference.

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Rome and America: The Decline of Empires

In a recent video, evangelist Perry Stone delves into the intriguing parallels between the current state of America and the historical trajectory of democracies, particularly ancient Greece and Rome. Stone sheds light on the cyclical nature of history and the warnings it holds for the United States.

This is a topic often overlooked or mocked by many Americans—the idea that democracies, including the one in the United States, do not endure indefinitely. Drawing inspiration from the roots of Western democracy in ancient Greece, specifically Athens, Stone highlights how democracies are designed to empower the people, allowing them to share power and elect representatives. However, he underlines a significant historical truth: democracies, despite their inherent strengths, have a limited lifespan.

Embarking on a historical journey, Stone traces the roots of democracy to ancient Greece, attributing early democratic ideas to the Phoenicians, showing how democracies have existed off and on for 2,500 years within a cyclical nature of history, a concept rooted in ancient Greek beliefs.

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