Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

CMag Brief: What is the ‘Effeminate’ Jesus?

In a post-Christian society, how do people perceive Jesus?

History shows us how Jesus has had varying depictions all throughout time. Most have shown a resurrected Jesus in robes of white, with all power and glory illuminating from Him. Many have shown a crucified Christ, hung on a cross, nails piercing His hands and feet as a bloodied crown of thorns punctures His head.

But now, we live in an age where the ‘effeminate’ Jesus has emerged.

What, might you ask is a depiction of an ‘effeminate’ Jesus?

In Seville, Spain, a promotional Easter poster was released as part of an exhibition which portrayed Jesus in a suggestive manner, depicting Him with feminine facial features, a beard, a golden headpiece, mostly nude.

The Catholic group known as the Institute of Social Policy denounced the portrait.

“We consider this poster a serious offense that completely decontextualizes the true meaning of [Holy Week]. We demand its [immediate] removal,” they wrote on X.

While the religious group is denouncing this portrait, the question is: what more does this say about the post-Christian era that is permeating the entirety of Western society? What does this say about how the Christian faith is being recognized globally?

If we look at Scripture from Matthew 24:37-38, we see Jesus’ stark warning of what would happen during the end times.

“As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark…”

The days of Noah were known for extremely sinful behavior, and as such, we too can expect this type of sinful—and blasphemous behavior to take place during the end times.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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