Noises from Brothel Disrupt Church Service, Lead to Prostitution Bust

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James Lasher

A recent police sting operation has exposed a disturbing sex-for-pay operation at the Ocean Spa Massage Parlor in San Diego, following numerous complaints from neighboring businesses and residents.

The complaints ranged from “sexual noises” disrupting a church service to reports of people engaging in sexual activities in parked cars near the parlor. The gravity of the situation prompted the San Diego Police Department to launch an extensive investigation, leading to shocking revelations.

According to CBS8, a youth group had previously held their Bible studies next to the parlor.

San Diego Police Chief Nisleit emphasized the seriousness of addressing neighborhood concerns, stating, “Our Vice Unit’s thorough investigation into the operation at businesses like Ocean Spa brings peace and civility back to San Diego neighborhoods.”

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The investigation resulted in four individuals arrested for prostitution, and legal action is being taken to shut down the parlor, with the City Attorney’s Office seeking over $100,000 in civil penalties and reimbursement for attorney fees and law enforcement costs.

City Attorney Mara Elliott asserted, “The owners of Ocean Spa have been masquerading as a legitimate business for far too long. Ocean Spa is a sex shop—not a massage parlor—and it has no place in our community or anywhere else.”

Amid the ongoing battle against illicit activities, concerns have been raised about the impact of recent legislative changes in California. Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 357 in July 2022, repealing a law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution. Although it was framed that it would be protecting vulnerable communities, the new law has faced criticism for instead emboldening sex workers and their handlers.

A local San Diego business owner, speaking anonymously to Fox News Digital, highlighted the perceived consequences of SB 357, stating, “It’s always been pretty common with massage parlors to offer more than massages, but with [SB] 357 the whole industry is emboldened because they know nothing will happen.”

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Residents and business owners are grappling with the fallout, with reports of prostitutes becoming more confrontational, even threatening business owners and disrupting public spaces. The situation extends beyond San Diego, with other areas in California witnessing a surge in street-level prostitution and related challenges.

The unsettling rise of lawlessness in the United States, exemplified by incidents such as the sex-for-pay operation in San Diego, highlights the correlation between societal decay and a turning away from God. As the fabric of moral values seems to unravel, parallels can be drawn to biblical wisdom that emphasizes the consequences of forsaking God’s guidance and righteousness. The book of Judges vividly illustrates a cycle of disobedience, moral decline and societal chaos when Israel turned away from God’s commands. The recurring phrase “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 17:6) echoes the contemporary narrative of a society drifting towards self-indulgence and moral relativism.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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