Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Morning Rundown: Pro Football Legend Jim Kelly Boldly Expresses His Faith Through Baptism

(Screenshot, Instagram/Jill Kelly)

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com:

Pro Football Legend Jim Kelly Boldly Expresses His Faith Through Baptism

In a powerful display of his unwavering faith, Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly made headlines this summer as he took a bold step, getting baptized.

This significant moment was shared with the world through a video and photos posted on Instagram by Jim’s wife, Jill. The imagery captured Kelly in a red shirt bearing the words, “God’s real.” In a poignant exchange during the baptism, he was asked a simple yet profound question while immersed in the water, “Do you love Jesus?” To which he emphatically responded, “Yes I do!”

Jill, in the caption of her post, expressed her deep belief, saying, “Jim’s t-shirt says, ‘God’s Real.’ He is! I have witnessed God at work in this man’s life for over 30 years…and I can tell you that God isn’t just REAL, He is faithful, trustworthy, kind, loving, compassionate, powerful, gracious, GOOD, merciful, forgiving…and so so much MORE. He is immeasurably MORE than we can imagine! He is EVERYTHING!

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The Torment of Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is the biggest kink in the hose in American Christianity. It’s why this nation is in such a mess right now. It’s why our churches are dead and dying. It’s why the lukewarm spirit of the age has destroyed our congregations. It’s also the number one reason why people do not receive freedom and deliverance.

We sit in church with absolute unforgiveness in our hearts, glorying in the fact that we’ve been forgiven of all, yet we forgive so very little of those who have grieved us. People say, “Oh, but you don’t know what they did,” or, “You don’t know what they said.” I will never minimize what they did or said, but it pales in comparison to what we’ve done and what we’ve said to Jesus.

Ephesians 4:32 says God has forgiven us of all our sin for Jesus’ sake. We deserve death, but through His forgiveness we have been given life. We deserve hell, but because of the baptism of God’s love and forgiveness we’ve been radically set free from our rebellion and our grievances. Forgiveness is simply setting people free who don’t deserve it. From a deliverance standpoint, what we most have to learn about forgiveness is that it’s not about the person who wronged you being right—it’s about you being right, in your spirit. In that respect, forgiveness isn’t initially for the other person; it’s a gift you give yourself.

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Are You Engaging in Spiritual Warfare God’s Way?

How do you engage in spiritual warfare? If you’re like most, you suit up in the whole armor of God.

Maybe you raise your volume. Then you engage in combat! Certainly, that was me for many years before God revealed a different way. And He used the words of an atheist to do it.

What Spiritual Warfare Isn’t

I was preparing to write a chapter on the whole armor of God for my book, “Silence Satan,” when the comment of an atheist on my Facebook page began to play through my mind. “You talk so much about the love of God,” the man noted. “But then, you’re always talking about weapons and warfare. If God is so loving, why are you talking about fighting all the time?”

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