Kyle Winkler

  • The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world hard and unexpectedly in 2020. It became a public health crisis that sent humanity into a panic and consumed people’s lives for the better part of three years. But there is another public health crisis that many don’t talk about—one that is just as devastating, if not more so,

  • The Great Physician’s Prescription for Guilt and Shame

    The Great Physician’s Prescription for Guilt and Shame

    Your chest tightens. Nervousness develops in the pit of your stomach. You knew better, so how could you have done such a thing? Then fear kicks in. You fear you can’t talk to God as before; you fear you’re not clean enough to be in His presence—not after what you’ve done. These symptoms of guilt

  • Morning Rundown: Pro Football Legend Jim Kelly Boldly Expresses His Faith Through Baptism

    Morning Rundown: Pro Football Legend Jim Kelly Boldly Expresses His Faith Through Baptism

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Pro Football Legend Jim Kelly Boldly Expresses His Faith Through Baptism In a powerful display of his unwavering faith, Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly made headlines this summer as he took a bold step, getting baptized. This significant moment was shared with

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