Fri. Sep 6th, 2024

Do You Have to Vomit to Expel a Demon?

Deliverance expectations will lead to manifestations. What you expect in deliverance can and will happen. The ministry of deliverance can and does manifest in several ways, but where are your hopes and expectations?

I remember one time, when I was delivering a man, I felt and saw a lot of demons leave him. I said to him, “How are you feeling?” He replied, “I don’t think anything is happening.” I said, “Why not?” He stated, “Because I’m not vomiting, and in the past when I’ve had deliverance, I’ve always vomited.”

We will get what we expect in deliverance. Some people believe demons come out with vomit or spit up (and they do), but that is not the only way a demon comes out. You do not have to upchuck to expel a demon. There are many different manifestations of demonic spirits I speak about and list out in my book, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan.

I have found the easiest deliverances are those people who are most hungry or desperate for their deliverance. They don’t have to work, but they just sit and receive what the Lord does. I have seen people come into my ministry, and as I simply lay hands on them their demons expel in five minutes. Why? Because the power of God is there to heal and deliver. We cultivate an atmosphere where His glory dwells, and where His glory resides, demons cannot exist, so they leave.

If we are putting our expectations in deliverance on a big manifestation of demons leaving or physical bodily reactions, then where is our expectation of what Jesus does through the power of His blood? Jesus conquered the demons, and now we are praying and casting those demons out of our lives as an extension of what He already did. It doesn’t have to be difficult. We need to put ourselves in a place to receive what He already did.

Often people fight tears because they think it is a sign of weakness or vulnerability, or they were taught to stuff their feelings and emotions. Tears are one of the main ways demons are expelled. As we release that emotion, it is deliverance, and it loosens the strongholds of fear, control and offense on our lives.

We must stop putting our expectations of deliverance in a physical manifestation or a certain deliverance minister, but put our focus on the deliverer, Jesus Christ. Jesus delivers, and He will if your expectation is that He can do it. Often, after I write these articles, I can get an influx of messages seeking deliverance. But, friends, it is not I who delivers, but Jesus. Is your expectation in Him to be your deliverer?

Jesus wants to love upon us. He wants to be in an intimate friendship with us, and when He is, it is His love we are experiencing. The very love that delivers. Therefore, if you want to be delivered, get in His love.

Put on some music, sit back or lie down, and rest in His presence and in His love and I know He will deliver you because, after all, He is the deliverer. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister releasing the love and power of God to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. She is the author of several books, including Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Identity Invasion, Who is Speaking? and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook at or visit

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