Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

As Democratic Party Embraces Godless Values, Spirit-Filled Christians Must Speak Out

Our culture seems to become more and more godless as the years pass. And now the Democratic Party has taken the nation to a new low. As major influencers continually advocate for a godless lifestyle, Christians are constantly put on the defensive. The latest blow comes as the Democratic Party issued a resolution in which it gladly embraces godless values.

You could say it started getting bad when the Supreme Court took prayer and Bible reading out of public schools in the early 1960s. But truth be told, it’s been going on a lot longer than that. Frankly, I believe it’s because Christians have been silent for too long. And now, we are at a tipping point.

I discuss this more in depth on my “Strang Report” podcast today. You can click here or click on the podcast icon in this article to listen to the episode. As I make clear in my podcast, this battle really isn’t about party politics. We’re not talking about Republicans vs. Democrats or conservatives vs. liberals. We’re talking about right and wrong.

I quote Ephesians 6:12 often, but only because it is so pertinent to our culture’s battle today. In that passage, the apostle Paul says, “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

This is just as true today as when Paul wrote it. Political parties are not in and of themselves godly or ungodly. At one point, the Democratic Party embraced a strong belief in God. Many Democratic presidents in years past were committed Christians, and some even supported Israel because of what the Bible says about the Jews. I also should point out that even today, there are a lot of God-fearing Democrats. And at the same time, I would say the Republican Party has largely given way to the deep state. So I want to make it clear that my hope does not lie in the Republican Party.

But I will say that the Republican Party has made a space for Bible-believing Christians in a way that the Democratic Party has not. I registered as a Democrat at the age of 19 and remained a Democrat for 20 years. At that time, most of Florida, where I grew up, was Democrat, and there were several conservative Democratic candidates I felt comfortable voting for.

But now, the Democratic Party has gotten so liberal that there is practically no more space for biblical values. The party wholeheartedly embraces abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage and a host of other practices the Bible calls sinful.

Recently, Robert Jeffress was on Lou Dobbs Tonight, where he talked about the Democratic Party’s new godless resolution. In it, they said they enthusiastically supported the values of the religiously unaffiliated. “Religiously unaffiliated,” Jeffress pointed out, is just a code word for godlessness.

In my new book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election, I go into detail about how Democrats can practically say anything they want. But if Christians so much as pray in Jesus’ name, liberals become hysterical and criticize the action as unconstitutional.

For instance, during the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton supporters came out with a song to demonstrate the importance of voting for her. They can do that because they have the right of free speech. But in the song, they used extremely foul language and even used a horrible expletive in connection to Jesus Christ at the end of the song when they called people to vote. It was utterly blasphemous. (I won’t even link to the song because the lyrics are so offensive).

And yet not a peep came out of the evangelical community. But when State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz opened the Pennsylvania House with a powerful prayer in the name of Jesus, the left attacked her as Islamophobic. How is that just?

I challenge the body of Christ to speak up in this hour. If Spirit-filled Christians won’t stand against the spiritual darkness coming against biblical values, who will?

Listen to my podcast to hear why it’s so important for the church to rise up right now. And if you agree, share this article and podcast on your social media.

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