Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophecy: ‘I’m Coming Soon for My Bride—Prepare for the Wedding!’

I heard wedding bells beginning to ring around the world out of every nation—being amplified in the Spirit. These bells immediately set off an alarm throughout the earth causing principalities, strongholds and wicked spirits in high places to scream out, “This wedding cannot be. We have put a veil over the eyes and minds of His Beloved, the Jewish people, so they are blinded from the truth. They will never believe He is their Messiah!”

A shofar sounding in Jerusalem was calling the bride and bridegroom to the chupah (wedding canopy).

The backdrop of this wedding appeared to be under a chupah with angels holding it high over the bride and Bridegroom. I sensed the Bridegroom had requested a wedding in His own hometown.

Then with a sound as if it were the very shofar of God blowing from Jerusalem, I sensed the enemy screaming, “What was that? That sound sounds similar to the sound we heard when the earth shook and the veil was rent from top to bottom—when we thought we killed Him! This sound is bypassing their minds and starting to woo their hearts. What if they start believing in their hearts through the sound of this shofar? Since faith comes by hearing God, we are sunk if this sound coming from Him has even a tiny mustard seed of faith in it!”

‘Begin to Bring Me My Bride!’

I sensed the Lord proclaiming to the angels that were standing at the four corners of the earth, “Begin to bring Me My beloved bride. She is the one with the veil over her eyes!” Angels began to walk this beloved bride-to-be down the aisles of every nation. For this wedding, His chosen people, the Jews and the apple of His eye, were seemingly capturing His attention first.

This spiritual bride coming forth to this wedding, like a natural bride, had a veil covering her eyes. I sensed she was Jewish. As she came closer, I noticed her veil was covering her entire face. I not only could see the spiritual Jewishness of this bride but also the spiritual descendants of the faith of Abraham. Every tribe and tongue could be seen as this bride was coming out of every nation, religion and tradition, being drawn to her bridegroom.

This Wedding Was in a Time of War

As hatred increased against God’s chosen people, the Jews, wedding bells rang all the louder as He was wooing His bride to His side. War appeared to be one of the “wedding attendants” that ushered His bride down to the altar to give herself totally to Him with no distractions or fear.

I then sensed the Father whisper to the bridegroom, His Son, “You may now lift the veil and kiss the bride.” This veil was being lifted off of the Jewish people first and then, simultaneously, multitudes without number from every race, tongue, tribe and nation were being kissed and swept off of their feet as He ushered them into His bridal chamber.

In closing, I sensed that Jesus was urgently declaring, as wedding invitations were being sent out, “I am coming soon for My bride. Prepare for the wedding!” {eoa}

Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life Church in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 40 years and is in leadership. He faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope Inc. for 23 years and now travels full time, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. He is currently an adviser at large for Aglow International. Bill has authored several prophetic books. His latest book is Handfuls of Purpose. Subscribe to his prophetic emails at: Visit Bill’s website or email him at [email protected].

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