Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Defeat Your Mental Giants

When our son was young, he began having bad dreams a couple times a week. We tried everything we could to get him to sleep through the night, but monsters kept appearing in his dreams. We talked and read the Bible together, planted good thoughts throughout the day and prayed with him, but nothing we did worked. Over a period of months we tried everything, but there were giant thoughts in his little mind that overruled any attempts we made to assure him monsters didn’t exist.

One day his mom realized the only way to overcome this embedded thinking was to plant another thought to overrule that one. We agreed that we would go into his room and squirt this special monster-killer juice (water) and get rid of the monsters. He made sure that we squirted it into every corner, under the bed and in the closets.

Guess what? Once we squirted water in his room, he was fine. He never mentioned another bad dream.

Here’s the point: The words we introduced to him on that particular night were a greater reality than the monster in his mind.

A friend of mine who has a doctorate in psychology said that the real issue was resolved when our son understood that his parents took him seriously and acknowledged a deep fear in his reality. This Ph.D. said the brilliant thing was that we didn’t force him into the room, but we took his place and went in on his behalf.

A War of Words

The truth is that the damning lies in your head can be overcome by a stronger word. The actual Word of God, Jesus, walked in your shoes and defeated your enemy once and for all. Your thinking must be founded on the reality of God’s Word given for you. It must be biblically sound, or a life of futile spiritual gymnastics may consume one’s entire energy.

What giant lives in your mind? Is it insecurity, guilt, shame, messages of failure or even something worse?

All of those are weaker thoughts compared with the grace and mercy extended to us through Jesus Christ. He is the Living Word and now prays for you all the time. The One who is the way, the truth and the life speaks a strong word of hope to you today. He has already gone into the deepest places of your life, done a security sweep, and declared the room to be clean.

Your inner life has been made clean, not by a bottle of concocted potion, but by His very precious blood. There is nothing that any enemy, on earth or under the earth, can do to take that reality away. All he can do is attack with the thought that it’s not true.

You can win a mind war through the blood of Jesus and the thoughts that form across your own lips. Speak out the real truth.

We fight from a place of already having won in Jesus. The war is not for some position to which you must try to ascend, but rather a guarding of the thoughts that line up with what God has said in His Word.

Battleground of the Mind

Here is a simple fact that no one would argue against: The goal of war, in most cases, is to deceive your enemy. It doesn’t matter how it’s done; you just want your enemy not thinking correctly. No one wants their enemies making good decisions.

The enemy of your soul wants to put forth thoughts that predict failure and destruction in your life. But the Holy Spirit is always active in your life and most active in the area of your thinking. Pay attention to the smallest thought because it could bring about the biggest victory.

David’s enemy, Goliath, under-estimated how powerful the smallest thought inside the smallest boy could be. Begin right now demonstrating faith in God by completely trusting the smallest “God thought” in your mind. It might be to change your daily routine or share your struggles with a friend.

Your enemy is counting on your inaction and is determined to distract you from these powerfully small thoughts. No matter how many days, months or years you have been intimidated by the enemy’s taunts, stop underestimating what God can do today.

Just as they did my son, perhaps giant thoughts are disturbing your peace. You will face them from time to time, but there is One who hears your heart’s cry in the middle of the night and reminds you that He has already cleared the room. Seek to be more active in reframing your thinking from a biblical place.

Though the giant you may be facing today is very real, such as a relational breakup, cancer or a career coming to an end, there is One who comes close to remind you not to fear any of those situations. Take some time and talk with Him. He is with you as you read this and is at work in your mind and heart to offer you courage. Take faith and have a meaningful conversation with Him about what you are going through.

Bring all your giants to God for help, and you’ll discover that even the smallest thought can lead to your greatest victory. {eoa}

Mike Rakes is a pastor, educator, motivator and storyteller who—along with his wife, Darla—serves the body of Christ. He is passionate about the spiritual health of the American church and is committed to mobilizing faith communities for God and the good of humanity. He’s the author of Slings and Stones: How God Works in the Mind to Inspire Courage in the Heart.

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In his latest book, Slings and Stones: How God Works in the Mind to Inspire Courage in the Heart (Charisma House), Pastor Mike Rakes uses the story of David and Goliath to show how the underdog can rise up by tapping into “God thoughts.” You can find this book wherever Christian books are sold or at or

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