Fri. Sep 27th, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Are We Seeing the New World Order Rising?

Is a new world order rising?

For all the conspiracy theories and fear mongering, it’s difficult to not at least consider the reality of a New World Order rising. But there is good news amid the darkness.

Charisma News caught up with Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News, to get his thoughts on what is happening in the Middle East and the world. Mitchell recently released Destination Jerusalem: ISIS, Convert or Die, Christian Persecution and the Coming Days Ahead, and talks about what struck him most while writing the book in part two of this exclusive interview.

Charisma News: What struck you most as you wrote Destination Jerusalem?

Mitchell: I remember thinking in one of the refugee camps we visited that Iraq was like Humpty Dumpty and could never be put back together again. It struck me then and still does that we are witnessing a new era in the Middle East and world history. 

I quoted former Secretary of (Defense) Chuck Hagel in the book. He said, “We are living through one of these historic, defining times. I think we are seeing a new world order.” Militant Islam like ISIS is becoming a global phenomenon, re-drawing borders, and we will live with its consequences for a long time to come. 

With ISIS on the march, Iran developing nuclear weapons and terror attacks from Paris to Sydney, we are living through perilous times. It feels like it must have in 1939 on the eve of World War II. 

Two authors I think describe it best. Charles Dickens said “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Isaiah said, “Arise, shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Deep darkness covers the peoples.” 

In the days to come, I believe we will see great light and great darkness. The good news is that many Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus like never in the 1,400 history of Islam, many of them through supernatural dreams and visions. 

The other good news is that in the midst of this crucible we are seeing the signs of a coming kingdom “not made with hands” as Daniel [prophesied] and a coming King, the Lord Jesus Himself. It’s a time to “look up for our Redemption cometh nigh.” 

Click here to check out Mitchell’s book on or visit him online at

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