Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

‘Luke 9’ Prophecy Reveals God’s Heart for Backslidden America

Have you ever wondered what God has called the U.S.A. to be? I want to share with you the prophetic name the Lord has spoken to me about the United States of America—”The Good Samaritan Nation,” and the great hope He has in His heart for the U.S.A.

Jesus’ outreach and ministry to Samaria is very instructive to us…especially in light of this revelation about how our Heavenly Father views the role of the USA in His purposes as “The Good Samaritan Nation.”

In Luke 9, the Samaritans, who had the serious spiritual problem of mixing the Jewish faith with false religious notions, wanted Jesus to leave their region. Jesus’ disciples were terribly offended for His sake: “When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, ‘Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?’ But He turned and rebuked them, and said, ‘You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.’ And they went on to another village” (Luke 9:54-56 NASB).

However, even after being initially rejected by the Samaritans, in the very next chapter, Jesus uses them as a surprising symbol of God’s kindness in sharing the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Later on, in the Book of Acts, the whole region of Samaria responds to Jesus.

God is calling the U.S.A. to show forth His kind and benevolent heart to other nations, and many will respond to the Lord of Reformation. God is calling us as a nation to get ready to go to these nations and reap a harvest.

God’s Hopeful View of Cities and Nations

Jesus is not commissioning His followers to call fire down in angry judgment upon the U.S.A. when He has actually slated a second reformation of hope for our nation and many others places. The Lord spoke a new name to me over certain locations as well: “God as King” China, “Faithful” France, “Zealous” Zimbabwe; as well as cities such as “Caring” Kansas City, “Affectionate” Atlanta and “Beautiful Redeemed” Redding.

Remember that there was a whole village in Samaria that believed in Jesus through the testimony of the woman at the well (John 4:39-42). It was also the Samaritans that received the gospel and a great move of the Holy Spirit under the ministries of Philip, Peter and John in Acts 8:9-25.

No, our nation is not beyond the reach of God’s good purposes. And, we will be surprised at some of the unlikely hope reformers that He will redeem and raise up as catalysts for this next great move of God. The U.S.A. will be known as the Good Samaritan Nation.

Bob Hartley is the founder and CEO of The Hartley Group, a conglomeration of five successful businesses. He is also the founder of the Deeper Waters, Inc. ministry. Bob has served as a youth pastor for the Metro Christian Fellowship and Area Director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, later serving on the FCA/KC board. Bob is a highly sought-after and very popular speaker locally, in America and around the world.

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