
  • Dear Daughters: A Spirit-Filled Minister’s Mother’s Day Letter

    Dear Daughters: A Spirit-Filled Minister’s Mother’s Day Letter

    My dear daughters, here are a few tips I found to strengthen and promote me in life. I pray they help you to think differently and live powerfully. Develop your lifelong womanhood self. Every little girl has a vision of herself as a woman. She designs her womanhood with her playthings. She becomes mommy, sister, aunt

  • My Mother, My Proverbs 31 Shero

    My Mother, My Proverbs 31 Shero

    For many years, especially on Mother’s Day, I have meditated on the virtuous woman from Scripture, found in the book of Proverbs, Chapter 31. I have admired many women who fit the pattern of the Proverbs 31 woman. My mother, Dr. Naomi Ruth Barber King, remains at the top of my list of “sheroes.” “Her

  • Jenny Weaver Prophesies Against ‘Bad Mom’ Curse

    Jenny Weaver Prophesies Against ‘Bad Mom’ Curse

    As a mother herself, revivalist, worship leader and author Jenny Weaver wants every mother to know she is not a “bad mom.” She is not a failure as a parent in the eyes of Jesus. In this interview with John Matarazzo of Charisma News, Weaver prophesies to women in the body of Christ that they are “soaring”

  • How You Can Save a Baby Today

    How You Can Save a Baby Today

    Years ago, Sarah Bowling visited Ethiopia and heard about some abandoned newborns who were found in a field. The local orphanage refused to accept the children until they heard if they didn’t accept them, the babies would be placed back in the field. As a policy, the orphanage doesn’t take babies and newborns because they

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