
  • The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared In New York City

    The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared In New York City

    Sometimes people do things that have extreme spiritual significance without even realizing it. When I watched Jonathan Cahn’s latest video on Tuesday, I knew that I had to write about what just happened in New York City. From June 16th through June 19th, a 270 foot dragon was wrapped around the Empire State Building. In

  • The Dragon Sweeps Through New York City

    The Dragon Sweeps Through New York City

    It has long been held that New York City is the gateway into America. When something takes hold in the Big Apple, it invariably spreads outward to the rest of the country. So when NYC opens its arms wide for a dragon in celebration of the new season of HBO’s “House of the Dragon,” a

  • Jonathan Cahn Unlocks 12 Signs of the End Times part 2

    Jonathan Cahn Unlocks 12 Signs of the End Times part 2

    Note: This is part 2 of 2 in a series. You can click here to read part 1. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has unlocked more of the 12 signs of the end times. These mysteries revolve largely around the death of Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, and his biblical connection to Israel. However, it’s not just Raisi

  • Cathedral’s Unusual Banner Could Be a Prophetic Warning

    Cathedral’s Unusual Banner Could Be a Prophetic Warning

    Could a cathedral’s unusual banner be part of a prophetic warning for 2024? In California, an Episcopal cathedral decided to hang a 500-foot banner known as “2,000 dragons.” As the Christian Post noted, this was to celebrate the Chinese calendar’s year of the dragon. The California church, Grace Cathedral, saw this as a chance to

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