Mon. Mar 24th, 2025
Susie Larson
The enemy of our soul comes to steal, kill and destroy all that’s living and beautiful and good in our lives. But God intends for us to have life, and not just life, but life abundantly, life to the fullest, life spilling over and all around us. When we walk in the fullness of all God has for us, we can’t help but give away the freedom and healing and life which has been so freely given to us. So, how do we overcome the enemy’s plans for our demise? 
Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. One drop of Jesus’ perfect shed blood is enough to restore and renew your whole life. The blood of Christ forgives and heals us. 
One way to walk in the fullness of God is to know that though His blood was shed long ago, the power still works for you today. The power of His blood is not a “back when He died” or “back when He saved you” sort of thing. Every single day, you have access to the power of His blood, and you need it. 
When you blow it and need forgiveness, His power is there to cleanse you and make things new. When you trip and fall over your own inconsistencies, the power of His blood is there to stand you up, brush you off and set you on the path again. 
When the enemy steals from you or you hand something over because of your own ignorance or unbelief, the power of His blood gives you the authority to get it back again. One way to overcome the assaults of the enemy is to daily walk in the redeeming power offered you because of Jesus’ shed blood. The other way to put that enemy under your feet is the word of your testimony. 
I recently spoke at an event with a number of other speakers. One of those speakers was Fern Nichols, president and founder of Moms in Touch International. I was blessed to share a meal with Fern, and let me tell you, this is a kingdom woman.
Our food sat neglected on the plate as we sat sideways on our chairs, leaned in close and shared one God-story after another. Fern so sweetly asked about my journey to Jesus, and I shared it with her. She was so engaged in my testimony that my own faith swelled as I shared.
As she chronicled her journey, I was inspired by the foundation of faith her parents had built beneath her. My soul was so nourished in that time with Fern that the meal itself was simply a side note.
At that conference, I spoke to total of about a thousand women. I heard story after story of how God divinely spoke to each one. Many, many women approached my table with tears in their eyes and a story on their hearts—a testimony of how Jesus personally met them, encouraged them and blessed them at this conference.
The telling and the hearing of our testimonies encourages faith, reminds us of His love and challenges us to walk in the power of the living God.
The night before the conference, I opened up to a passage in Psalms. Here is my paraphrase: “Proclaim the power of God. … He gives power and strength to His people” (Ps. 68:34-35).
Live in the power to which you have access! Walk in and count on the power of Christ’s love to heal, renew and restore your life. Every day, embrace the forgiveness and healing that’s been made available to you.
And I challenge you today, and tomorrow, and the next day, proclaim the power of God! Tell your story. Recount the ways God has faithfully led you and cared for you. Proclaim by faith that He will come through for you again (this is the testimony of faith). You will be empowered and strengthened as you do. Ask others to tell you what God has done in their lives. Listen intently and rejoice over thier victories. This will encourage their faith and challenge yours.
We overcome the enemy—the thief of all that is beautiful and good—by the power of the blood and the word of our testimony.

Susie Larson is an author, speaker and radio host for KTIS in Minnesota and Focus on the Family. Visit Susie’s web site at

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