Thu. Mar 20th, 2025
Charisma Media archives

Read Time: 3 Minutes 33 Seconds

I always tell people: “If you’re happy and you know it, use your mouth!” Bring Him everywhere you are! Mountain-moving faith is what we need in the body of Christ.

Listen, we need to slay some giants. The giant of unbelief is so big. This whole spirit of fear thing that tried to take everybody out during the COVID rampage, especially the church—where is it now? We really need to be armed, equipped and dangerous.

I want you to love the Lord with everything you are, and I want you to be right with God, knowing that you are not just positionally right, but you have an intimate relationship with God that nobody has the right to interfere with; because if the intimacy is there, there’s no giant that will ever scare you. You will never be afraid. Identity says that perfect love casts out all fear. So, if I understand that I am perfectly loved by the Father, how can something torment me?

The torment we go through is from a liar, and the liar needs to cease and desist. And the only way that liar ceases and desists is when you get to know the Father’s voice—because the stranger’s gets so exposed that there’s absolutely no good fruit that he can produce in your life. It’s always dead fruit; it’s rotten fruit; it’s not the fruit that you want to eat.

A burning and shining lamp—that’s what God calls you all to be, so that when people remember you, they know you are one that walks with God and there’s no question about it, because unbelief is getting rocked by faith inside of you every day. It’s faith and righteousness; it’s right standing with God, because your faith has to be in the King’s power to keep you.

The Bride Who Makes Herself Ready

I’m really excited, and I’m really burning as I hear the testimonies of what God is doing. My heart is bleeding for Jesus everywhere I go. You must make sure you keep your heart soft. A hard heart can’t bleed. We are to be ambassadors of hope. It’s Christ in us, the hope of glory. Christ in US, not just Christ in Todd.

Imagine if the whole body of Christ had their hope restored, and the heart was never yucky, but full of bleeding for Jesus every day. You would melt everywhere you go, because God’s love is so intense and intentional. He wants to use you to wipe out the darkness in people’s lives. The only way the darkness gets wiped out in someone else’s life (when your life comes on the scene) is when you realize the handwriting against you has been wiped out. Because when you see the handwriting against you has been wiped out, and there’s no junk in your closet, you can actually walk in the light as He is in the light. When we can walk like that, then you and I can have real fellowship.

Reinhard Bonnke used to say that it’s “two fellows in the same ship.” It’s walking with the same mind, the same heart and the same belief system. This is really important. We all want to see Jesus come back, right? Well, the Bible says that He’s coming when the bride is in direct proportion to the Head. He’s coming when we are blameless and spotless.

You know, it doesn’t say that God makes the bride ready. It says that the “…bride has made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7). There’s the ‘making ready’ of the bride; there’s the ‘making ready’ of your life—burning with fellowship and intimacy with Jesus, so that no matter what situation you are put in, you transform the environment that you land in.

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Todd White is the founder and president of Lifestyle Christianity, located in Watauga, Texas. Lifestyle Christianity began in 2014 as the evangelistic ministry of Todd White. Todd became a Christian in 2004 when he had a powerful salvation experience. Todd was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. He was at the point of suicide when God came into his life and set him free. As a new believer, Todd began sharing the simplicity of the gospel of the kingdom and what Jesus Christ accomplished at the cross. It was common for Todd to see dozens of people healed as he shared Christ’s love for them throughout his normal everyday life. Since that time, Todd has been passionately pursuing his call to see people fully walking in their identity in both the purity and power available in Christ. Lifestyle Christianity desires to see people walk in their God-given identity. Gripped by the simplicity of the gospel and what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, our heart is to see people brave the waves of fear and share the love of Jesus everywhere that they go.

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