Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Why It’s So Hard to Cast Out a Jezebel Spirit

We’ve all come in contact with a person operating under the influence of a Jezebel (controlling) spirit. Jezebel is a strongman’s name for a spirit of control. A person can have a spirit of control without having a Jezebel spirit. However, a Jezebel spirit will always have a spirit of control. What makes a person bound in Jezebel so difficult to deliver is the spirits that are in operation behind the controlling spirit that we don’t recognize and root out.

Characteristics of a Jezebel Spirit

We could all list many characteristics of a person operating under the influence of a Jezebel spirit. If we were to refer to books, teachings and deliverance ministers, those lists may have some similarities but also look quite different.

Spirits co-laboring with a Jezebel spirit (partial listing): Rebellion, witchcraft, control, manipulation, seduction, idolatry, dominance, religion, fear, intimidation, insecurity, jealousy, bitterness, unfairness, self-sufficiency, deception, competition.

In all the books and teachings I’ve seen, I haven’t seen the biggest two co-laborers mentioned, which are pride and offense. My husband calls pride, offense and control the deadly trio, because together they steal, kill and destroy, relationships and ministries and are a difficult combination to deliver.

People struggling with the strongman spirit of Jezebel have control, offense and pride operating strongly within their souls.

Pride: Pride is seldom exposed because it is a blinding spirit. We are blinded to it. I know firsthand how severely it prevents us from self-examination and discovering it within our souls. I was a deliverance minister casting out other people’s pride for years when I didn’t see it in myself. My overseer was constantly telling me I had pride. I was bound in pride when I knew everything about pride. It blinds those who are plagued. It is a luring spirit that draws you into thinking you have no pride. I was shocked by how clever this spirit was to hide within my soul. Pride manifests in several different facets, so it is important to recognize how pride manifests in one person might not manifest in another, which can make it difficult to discover. We have all experienced a level of pride.

Offense: The people with offense think everyone else is wrong. A common Christian prideful thought is that ministry leaders are unfair because they won’t let them lead, prophesy or operate in their giftings. They feel entitled, which co-labors with pride. People with offense don’t recognize they are the very one who needs healing. They are church hoppers and bring division. They got mad and upset, and gossip and slander about what is happening. They have a victim mentality, feeling that people are always out to get them. They blame conflict on other people being jealous of their anointings or giftings, which intertwines with pride.

Control: The spirit of control manifests in subtle to full-blown characteristics.

When this deadly trio gets together, it is all-out spiritual warfare to receive deliverance. Deliverance must start with a person having the truth exposed in their life and wanting to be set free. However, there are roadblocks to pride and offense that need to be rooted out and destroyed so they can see their character flaws and the demonic entities attacking them. It doesn’t take a person yelling in their face about what they need to change. They have to seek and desire deliverance. It takes a believer receiving Holy Spirit conviction and desiring freedom within their soul. It takes a strong mentor walking alongside them and speaking the truth in love and sometimes a corrective tone. It takes someone who will not give up on them but who will assist them in walking through the process. It takes the realization that they are not living a life glorifying the Lord and exuding the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ.

How do we deliver a person plagued by Jezebel and the deadly trio?

Pray: Specifically pray, “Holy Spirit, convict them. Holy Spirit, reveal their demonic strongholds. Holy Spirit, stir a desire within their soul to want to receive freedom and manifest love.”

Expose: Pray that their hearts would be open to receive conviction and truth, whether from the Holy Spirit or another person. Pray for God to open their eyes to see their outbursts and ungodly characteristics.

Discern: Seek the Holy Spirit and discern when to keep your mouth closed and when to speak the truth in love. Ask the Holy Spirit if it is your assignment to lead them to freedom.

Love: You’ve heard the saying, “Be Jesus with skin on.” Do it! Be like Jesus and love them unconditionally and extend them the grace Jesus extends to you. Getting in a shouting match or confrontation will not lead them to deliverance, but will stock their arsenal with more control, offense and pride. Be love and give love, unconditionally, obediently and willfully.

Extend: Give books to people on the subject. Most people who deal with the deadly trio are ministry oriented and would enjoy reading on subjects to stock their arsenal. Purchase books on the topics, and pray over them that through the author’s teachings, the Holy Spirit would speak to them and that they would see characteristics of themselves in the readings.

People can be delivered from anything and everything. I’ve witnessed thousands of deliverances, and I believe this is true. No one is undeliverable. No one is beyond God’s reach. However, I will point out the importance of keeping ourselves out of it. We can’t change a person, but we can lead them to change. Unless instructed otherwise by the Holy Spirit to get directly involved in their deliverance, the best prayer you can pray with precision and purity is, “Holy Spirit, convict them, expose them and reveal their sins to them.” Receive further education on these topics and more and how to set yourself and others free in my book, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan ~ Your Deliverance Guide to Total Freedom. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic spiritual warfare strategist releasing the love and power of God to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. She is the author of several books, including Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Identity Invasion, Who is Speaking? and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook, or visit

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