The battle for the future of mankind is taking place now and has already taken place in the past. This is because the infinite, personal, living God of the universe dwells beyond space and time. The Bible, which far exceeds the knowledge of quantum physics, reveals that the spiritual war we face is interdimensional. It’s a war that spans past, present and future.
In our current reality, we are constantly surrounded by chaos—or what I call “manufactured crisis.” This chaos is not random; it is Luciferian in nature, designed to keep people in a state of confusion. At the Tower of Babel, God confused the language of the people, creating societal confusion. The Tower of Babel was a one-world system with a one-world government, economy and religion, which mirrors the agenda of today’s globalist elites and their “Great Reset” plan.
The chaos we experience in the world today is not by accident either. It is the result of thousands of years of planning, orchestrated by Luciferian forces. These forces, known biblically as “Mystery Babylon,” as the apostle John wrote about in Revelation 17-18, operate through manufactured crises. One prominent target of this chaos has been President Donald Trump, who, unlike other political figures, represents a serious threat to the Luciferian globalist system. Trump’s opposition to globalism and defense of nationalism makes him a key figure in the battle against the new world order.
The term “order out of chaos” is rooted in the ancient occult system. This principle is at the core of Marxism, Communism and the globalist agenda, all of which seek to destroy the foundations of Christianity, the traditional family and individual freedoms such as speech, religion and press.

To order Troy Anderson’s new book, “The Trump Code,” visit
The Role of Technology in Global Surveillance
In 1982, Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security director under President Jimmy Carter, wrote a book, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era,” outlining the rise of an electronic surveillance state. Brzezinski envisioned a future where every citizen would be under constant surveillance, their actions and thoughts monitored through an electronic chip connected to a global system—what H.G. Wells called “the world brain.” Today, we see this vision being realized in the form of the Chinese social credit system, where citizens are ranked and monitored 24/7.
This system has been praised by globalist elites such as David Rockefeller, who called for similar systems to be implemented in Western nations. Corporations such as BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, which are owned by just a few powerful families, control the majority of global wealth. These elites are using their power and wealth to further a disturbing agenda.
The Rise of the Scientific Dictatorship
The decisions we make today will determine the future of our children and grandchildren. Aldous Huxley, author of “Brave New World” and brother of transhumanism pioneer Julian Huxley, predicted the rise of a scientific dictatorship. This dictatorship, like the one described in Genesis 11 that recounts the Tower of Babel story, involves fallen angels and the hybridization of human beings with non-human DNA.
In the early 1600s, Sir Francis Bacon and Sir John Dee, both high-ranking members of secret societies, learned the language of the Enochian angels. These angels taught them advanced science, technology and supernatural powers. Bacon’s goal was to create a new world order, a global utopia ruled by philosopher-kings, much like the legendary supercivilization of Atlantis.
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The spirits behind these secret societies continue to influence the global elite today. Their goal is to establish a one-world government and religious system that rejects the sovereignty of God and promotes transhumanism—a merging of human beings with machines and artificial intelligence.
The Power of Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
As Christians, we must recognize that the future is not fixed. It is shaped by our actions, prayers and obedience to God. The prayers and spiritual warfare we engage in now will determine the future of America and the world. God has given us the power to shape reality through faith, and it is through this faith that we can overcome the forces of darkness. This is why I’ve joined my coauthor of “The Babylon Code” and “Trumpocalypse,” Troy Anderson, in his “40 Days to Save America” campaign, encouraging people to pray, fast and repent from Sept. 25 to Nov. 5, Election Day.
While the global elite are using advanced technology to control and manipulate the masses, God has given us access to a greater power—the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare, we can activate this power and defeat the Luciferian agenda.
Jesus Christ gave us authority over all the power of the enemy. We must step into our God-given authority and use it to reclaim our nation for the kingdom of God, as Troy Anderson details in his new book, “The Trump Code.’ The Bible teaches that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church, and we must stand firm in this truth.
Cognitive Warfare and Mass Mind Control
One of the most dangerous technologies being used by the global elite is cognitive warfare. This form of warfare targets the subconscious mind using specific electromagnetic frequencies to alter beliefs, emotions, and actions. Cognitive warfare operates on a hypnotic level, bypassing the conscious mind and influencing individuals without their awareness.
This technology, often referred to as “pulsed microwaves,” can be used to control entire populations. While governments deny the existence of these technologies, activists and scientists from around the world have petitioned the United Nations to make the dangers of cognitive warfare public.
We are already seeing the effects of this warfare in America, where the traditional family is under attack, and children are being subjected to radical ideologies without their parents’ consent. This battle for the mind is a key part of the Luciferian agenda, and as Christians, we must be vigilant in protecting our minds and the minds of our children.
The Role of Weather Modification in the Global Agenda
Since the 1940s, governments have been experimenting with weather modification technologies, including directed energy weapons and electromagnetic frequency weapons. These technologies, pioneered by Nikola Tesla, have been used to create artificial hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters.
In recent years, there have been numerous reports of DEWs being used in Northern California, Paris and even Lahaina, Maui. These weapons are capable of vaporizing metal cars and disintegrating homes, leaving little trace of their origin. While many dismiss these events as conspiracy theories, the evidence suggests that these technologies are being used as part of the globalist agenda to control populations through fear and destruction.
As Christians, we must understand that the fulfillment of biblical prophecy often involves the use of advanced technology. Jesus warned us of the signs of the times, including famines, pestilences and earthquakes. Many of these events are being artificially created by those who seek to bring about the new world order.
A Call to Action
It is time for Christians to wake up and realize the spiritual and technological warfare we are facing. We are living in a time when the lines between science fiction and reality are becoming blurred, but we must not lose sight of the fact that God’s power is greater than any technology created by man.
The Bible tells us that knowledge will increase in the last days, and this knowledge is both a blessing and a responsibility. We must use the knowledge God has given us to fight against the forces of darkness and reclaim our nation for His kingdom.
Now more than ever, we need to step up our game. This means engaging in high-level spiritual warfare, standing firm in our faith and being bold in our witness. We cannot afford to be passive or complacent. The future of our nation and the world depends on our willingness to fight for what is right. In his new book, “The Trump Code,” my friend and co-author Troy Anderson has outlined what we must do at this critical time in history to reclaim our nation for His kingdom.
The Law of Sowing and Reaping
God’s Word teaches us the law of sowing and reaping. What we sow in faith, we will reap in blessing. This principle applies not only to our personal lives but to the spiritual battles we face as a nation. If we sow seeds of prayer, repentance and obedience, we will reap a harvest of revival, healing and restoration.
We are in the midst of the greatest spiritual war in human history. The battle is not just for the future of America but for the souls of men and women around the world. As we stand on the brink of unprecedented change, we must choose to align ourselves with God’s purposes and trust in His sovereignty.
The time is now. The stakes are high. But with God on our side, we cannot lose. Let us rise up in faith, take hold of the power God has given us and fight for the future He has promised.
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Paul McGuire is an internationally recognized prophecy expert, minister, speaker, author of 35 books and host of “The Paul McGuire Report” on BlogTalkRadio, every Monday through Friday from 4-6 p.m. EST. He hosted two seasons of the exciting GOD TV television series “Apocalypse and the End Times.” He was the nationally syndicated radio talk show host for 10 years of the “Paul McGuire Show” and has been the executive producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel aired a two-hour special with him, titled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse,” and he was a frequent guest commentator on CNN, Fox News Network and the History Channel. He’s the bestselling co-author with Troy Anderson of “The Babylon Code” and “Trumpocalypse.” He lives in the Los Angeles area. Find out more at