
  • Crisis Looms Over America’s 911 Emergency System

    Crisis Looms Over America’s 911 Emergency System

    State after state is having outages and operations issues with the 911 emergency line. The most recent was Massachusetts on July 18. State leaders had a fire lit beneath them when they realized there was a statewide outage of the entire system, while they and emergency services tried to figure out ways to get the

  • What About ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’ When a Megachurch Pastor Falls?

    What About ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’ When a Megachurch Pastor Falls?

    The very public moral failures of a number of megachurch pastors over the past few months and years have not only caused a crisis for these men, their families, their congregations and the millions who have been influenced by their ministries. Their falls have also caused a theological crisis for many ministers, especially those who

  • Millions at Risk as Historic Famine Unfolds

    Millions at Risk as Historic Famine Unfolds

    It is easy to take for granted the ease with which we are capable of going to a grocery store and choosing from a wide variety of food in the West. While this blessing came from honoring God and a system that brought forth abundance for the nations, there are many countries that have not

  • Pray for Cuba: Protests Explode Amid Food, Power Shortages

    Pray for Cuba: Protests Explode Amid Food, Power Shortages

    Cuba is in dire need of prayer. Last week protests erupted in Santiago, one of the largest cities in the island nation. The food and power shortages have reached such a height that the people no longer can sit still. As NBC reported, video footage shows people in the streets chanting, “We are hungry.” The

  • Amanda Grace Prophecy: God’s Warning of Future Crisis

    Amanda Grace Prophecy: God’s Warning of Future Crisis

    Is the coming eclipse a sign that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle like Jonah? In an urgent prophetic message, Amanda Grace is sounding the alarm of what kind of spiritual battle we are currently in. She cautions that God is trying to get the attention of the saints to turn away

  • Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahn Battles Dark Forces in Unprecedented Spiritual Warfare

    Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahn Battles Dark Forces in Unprecedented Spiritual Warfare

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Jonathan Cahn Battles Dark Forces in Unprecedented Spiritual Warfare Is there a 3,000-year-old mystery that holds the key to the Hamas invasion on Israel? Are we living in the end of days? And what does the future hold? In a major announcement, Jonathan Cahn revealed

  • The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The Surest Way to Relieve Your Loneliness

    The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world hard and unexpectedly in 2020. It became a public health crisis that sent humanity into a panic and consumed people’s lives for the better part of three years. But there is another public health crisis that many don’t talk about—one that is just as devastating, if not more so,

  • From the Heartland to Holy Land: American Farmers Strengthen Israel’s Frontlines

    From the Heartland to Holy Land: American Farmers Strengthen Israel’s Frontlines

    In the heartland of America, a group of compassionate cowboys from Montana and Arkansas has heeded a call to support Israelis facing the challenges of war. These dedicated individuals, inspired by their Christian beliefs, have left behind their farms and families to lend a helping hand during a crucial time. The mission, aptly named “Operation

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