Fri. Sep 6th, 2024

Morning Rundown: ICYMI – LIVE With Greg Locke: The American Church Is Falling for Demonic Spirits

(YouTube/Charisma News)

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

ICYM – LIVE With Greg Locke: The American Church Is Falling for Demonic Spirits

The one thing most of us fail to do is to discern when we’re dealing with demonic spirits. However, it’s important to sharpen our ability to discern evil spirits and their workings. For this, having the gift of discerning of spirits is especially valuable, but don’t ever doubt that we all have to develop this discernment, especially when working in deliverance ministry. In this spiritual war, the discerning of spirits is the tip of the sword.

One of the issues we see with discerning spirits is that many people leave the faith because they followed after other spirits instead of the Holy Spirit. Take a look at this verse:

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils,” (1 Tim. 4:1).

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A Prophetic Word So Good It Made Marcus Rogers Do a Back Flip

Evangelist Marcus Rogers could hardly contain his excitement. Rogers says he recently received a prophetic word from the Lord that will encourage multitudes in the body of Christ, and it will come to fruition within one year.

The word was so good, Rogers says, that he went back out into the woods near his home in suburban Chicago where he first fell in love with Jesus. When he got home, he did a back flip on the trampoline in his back yard.

“As clear as day, God says in one year, ‘I’m about to change everything dramatically,'” Rogers says. “In one year, people are going to be vindicated. In one year, some of you are going to go from the bottom to being on top as God has called you to be.

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Ministry TO the Lord, Not FOR the Lord

When you spend time worshipping and loving the Lord, you minister to the Lord, not for the Lord. Your ministry to the Lord is the foundation of your ministry for the Lord. This is a compelling truth. Let it soak into your very being.

Your ministry to the Lord is the foundation of your ministry for the Lord.

Deuteronomy 10:8 talks about God establishing the Levitical order:

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