Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Will You Trust the Lord to Restore to Better Than Before?

It’s been a somewhat quieter season for me personally, as I haven’t written a major article in probably four months — the longest stretch I can remember. There are a number of reasons for this and unexpected things that have occurred, but it also has to be that I get specific direction to release an article — I can’t just write an article any old time just because I have some revelation or content. It’s like sometimes I have to become the Word — if I walk it out first before writing it, I can bring the Word with more authority. At least, that’s what I hope will be the case here.

Something “New New New New New!”

Several weeks ago, I heard the Lord say, “It’s a day of new beginnings.” This got my attention because just that day, I’d taken delivery of a new truck. Upon hearing this, I began to realize there were indeed a number of things that were new in my life at that point, but apparently we were just getting started. Shortly after this my laptop died, our AC died (it turns out our whole HVAC system needs to be replaced), our hot water heater died, followed next by our refrigerator. During this time period, we even experienced an unexpected death in the family and another devastating loss that’s too personal in nature to disclose. (In addition, shortly after this article was originally released, my husband was involved in a vehicle accident.) At one point, my husband said he was starting to feel like Job!

Of course, the enemy (Satan) at times seems to attack with a vengeance (Luke 4:13) but I began to recognize God’s hand somewhere in this. I hadn’t wanted a new truck originally and actually resisted it at first, but there were a number of things that happened — including a dream in which my truck was totaled, although I was okay — that confirmed to us this was the Lord’s direction.

And guess what? I actually love my new truck! With the current lack of inventory and shortage of microchips, it proved to be a challenge to find but after broadening my search, the perfect truck “popped up” on someone’s incoming shipment inventory that had all the things I wanted. And I hadn’t realized how much technology had advanced in the seven years since my last new truck and it’s really made my life easier.

The same with the laptop. My old one was ten years old and wasn’t able to be repaired, and I hadn’t realized how slow and hard to work with it had become until I got the new one. And quite unexpectedly in the process, I also ended up getting a larger desktop monitor and an upgraded office space — which I really needed but would not have done otherwise. This is a pattern I’m noticing, which I’ll come back to in a minute.

About a year ago, I kept hearing the Lord say, “I’m planning to do a NEW thing; the old ways won’t work anymore!” Little did I realize that the old ways literally were not going to work anymore! Every time I turn around there’s something else new, even if it’s not of my own choosing.

If you recognize yourself in this pattern, I encourage you to trust Him. As I heard the Lord say recently, He is doing something “New new new new new!” (Read more…)

Despite it having been a season of loss, it’s a season to press through open doors — not just stand still or draw back. Find out how the Lord has a plan to take your loss and restore it to better than before! Listen to: Will You Trust the Lord to Restore to Better Than Before? on the CPN Podcast show Preparing the Way. {eoa}

Diane Lake is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as church mountain, regional and Montana coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network, and as media mountain leaders/facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers.

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