Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophetic Word: The Breaker Anointing Will Fall on the Church

“He who breaks through has gone up before them; they will break through and pass the gate and go out by it. Then their king will pass on before them, the Lord at their head” (Mic. 2:13, author emphasis).

Moves of God are never neat and tidy, and the one that is coming will yield a great harvest for the Lord of the harvest! God will move as a mighty, potent tidal wave that sparks and ignites war, as the rulers of darkness vie to retain power over their prey. In Isaiah 49:25, God in essence asks the question: “Can the powerful hold and keep their captives?” His answer, of course, was no, they cannot!

“Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the tyrant shall be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your sons” (Isa. 49:25).

God is now setting the stage for the greatest rescue mission of all time! The captives are restless; unease over the existing situation is shaking foundations as the church gets primed for action. If an awakening is to come, if significant change is coming, if the harvest is to be released from captivity—then the breaker must first come, and the breaker anointing released! A heavenly invasion must break and smash through the gates, crushing the walls of the enemy’s defenses. There is always war at the gates to breakthrough! However, the Word of God promises that the gates of hell cannot and will not triumph or prevail.

Before she died, prophet and passionate woman of God, Jill Austin, said in a word she published on the Elijah List, “A breaker anointing is a catalytic deposit of the Holy Spirit where eternity breaks through into the natural realm. It’s a holy invasion where the gates of heaven are breaking open with visitations and salvations, healing and deliverance. The breaker anointing is the core anointing of the apostolic church.”

For more on how the breaker anointing is going to fall afresh, listen to The Sound of the Trumpet on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is the founder and president of Headstone International Ministries and Headstone Academy Online Schools. Faith is a prophetic teacher, bringing significant revelation and fresh prophetic insight, to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Visit her ministry website or

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