Shaun Fanning credits his family’s survival of May’s killer tornado in Joplin, Mo., to the Holy Spirit.

Shopping at a Walmart when the storm struck, Fanning sensed he should stay put when employees urged people to move to the back of the store.
Although he broke his left arm while shielding his wife from debris and she sustained injuries, several people in the back where Fanning would have gone died when a wall collapsed.
“I just felt in my stomach it wasn’t right,” says Fanning, a co-leader of a cell group at Destiny Church. “It was God telling me not go back there.”
He believes the baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1999 helped raise his spiritual sensitivity and hear God when it counted most. That morning his pastor also had preached about ways to recognize God’s voice.
Today Fanning, a human resources consultant, believes the Lord has a special work for him: “I don’t know what it is yet; I just know it’s going to be big.”