Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

How Well Do You Know the Heart of God?

Imagine you receive a message from an unknown phone number. You know just from reading the message that it’s from your spouse (or insert someone who knows you very well instead). How do you know? What clues does that message hold that incline you to know it’s from that person?

Inevitably, the unique heart of the person speaking is made manifest in what comes out of that person’s mouth. Matthew 15:18 (NIV) tells us, “But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.” If we are created in God’s image, we know that what comes out of His mouth also has the markers of His heart. Knowing God’s heart, then, is step one to hearing God on a deeper level.

Today communication is under attack in a way that has not yet been seen in our lifetimes. We are receiving messages all the time but it’s imperative to know who each message is from. Much like receiving a text message from an unknown number, we must filter through the messages thrown at us to determine whether they are from God, from the enemy or from people.

Knowing the heart behind God’s voice is the foundation that leads to hearing the voice with clarity, accuracy and consistency. This goes beyond the basics of “God is good” and dives into the difficult questions we sometimes would rather sidestep. What misperceptions do we have about His character? How are these affecting our hearing? What are God’s personal monikers for you? Hear the breakdown of how to take a massive undertaking such as “knowing God’s heart” and break it down into activations, prayer points and opportunities for deep healing by checking out the full episode of Hear God Everyday with Sara Whitten on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Sara Whitten is an author, speaker, equipper and founder of Arrows of Zion Ministry ( She and her husband are pastors for the youth of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. Sara is a prophetic writer that is featured on Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, Charisma and more. She hosts Hear God Everyday on Charisma Podcast Network, a podcast with tools to help amplify the voice of God amidst the noise of everyday life. Sara co-founded One Spark International, an organization that sponsors Bible-based training and education in unreached and restricted nations in order to see the gospel reach all people groups. She is also an active part of groups that train and invest in professionals wanting to use their businesses or marketplace skills to transform unreached nations areas for the kingdom. You can connect with Sara on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

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