Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

 Both my p

arents grew up on farms in rural Washington County, Georgia. As a result, they were able to pass along a treasure trove of country wisdom inherited from their parents and grandparents.

One of the pearls they were frequently prompted to share when I was a kid was “not to put the cart before the horse.” My folks wanted me to understand that the important challenges and opportunities of life require preparation and the proper ordering of priorities. Though in themselves these rudimentary steps aren’t always the most exciting or the most visible to others, the broader lessons they provide–perseverance, faithfulness and obedience–are vital to one’s ultimate success.

Truthfully, as a young girl given to much dreaming (day and night), I needed this counsel more times than I can remember. It was a known fact that I harbored more than a few lofty ideas about where I’d go in life.

We’ve all envisioned what we believed the future held for us. And a lot of what we’ve imagined has come true.

But timing is everything. And therein is the source of a great deal of our frustration. Whereas God’s view is eternal, ours is limited–and we feel compelled by what we perceive to be our short “life span” here on Earth to do everything now.

But lately I’m being challenged by the Spirit of the Lord to come to a new place of authentic peace in God, not because all my dreams are coming true at the rate I expected, but because I’m coming to know Him (see Is. 26:3). In fact, I’m just beginning to know that I know that He loves me and can be trusted to open opportunities for me that are the best.

This is why I’m grateful to Stormie Omartian for her ministry. Stormie calls us to do “first things first,” to cultivate a relationship of devotion to the Lord through prayerful communion with Him.

It’s not a new concept but one we can easily leave in the dust as we rush out the door to accomplish everything on our agendas. This performance mentality often has led me into confusion about whether to hitch the wagon behind the horse or, well, you know.

I’m still learning that the purpose for my life is not to be more greatly desired than Christ Himself, who is my life. Our lives have to be centered in Him. We should be loving Him more and experiencing His love and acceptance.

In this season of life, I’m making an effort to work on my “marriage” to my Maker. It’s been only a short time, but already I’ve noticed that my devotion has deepened, and even when duties draw me away from my quiet times with Him, I am more confident than I’ve ever been that He goes with me.

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