Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Are You Ready for the God of Suddenlies to Come to Your House Today?

Have you ever been in a life situation, where you needed God to answer you suddenly? Have you experienced serious financial, health or relationship issues? Do you have other urgent requests you are seeking God about?

If you are like most of us, when life presents its challenges, we cry out to the Lord. When we call Him, our hope is not that God will answer next week, next month or next year. When we call Him, we want Him to manifest suddenly.

The literal meaning of the word suddenly means quickly or unexpectedly. Some of its synonyms are immediately, abruptly, all of a sudden, instantaneously, promptly, straightway, swiftly and without notice.

Accounts from many of our biblical exemplars assure us that God can come to our rescue suddenly. Paul and Silas experienced the prison doors opening suddenly; Peter showed up at the door, while the church was praying, after the angel opened his prison doors suddenly; the 120 in the upper room experienced the miraculous release of the Spirit of God suddenly. The further we read, the more the list grows of those who experienced God moving for them suddenly.

Jairus, for example, needed the God of the suddenly to come see about his circumstance. Jairus was a ruler in the synagogue and a man of much political power. His daughter was sick, and he was desperate to save her. Yet no amount of influence could save his daughter from death. His crisis crossed with that of the woman with the issue of blood. Similarly, a woman with an issue of blood was also very sick and desperate to be healed. She spent years going from doctor to doctor, looking for deliverance, but finding no relief for her situation.

Now let’s pause to consider the significance of these two accounts. It is not by happenstance that these two stories are linked together in Scripture. In both situations, both were powerless to change their condition. Power could not heal Jairus’ daughter, and all the money the woman with the issue of blood had could not staunch her flow of blood. Although they were dealing with different situations, the two were looking for the same thing. They needed a divine encounter. They needed the God of the suddenlies to suddenly intervene, and true to his character, God miraculously did just what they asked Him to do. In both instances, God healed and resurrected. Straightaway, the blood issue ceased to exist (Mark 5:29); and likewise, Jairus’ daughter was straightaway raised from the dead (Mark 5:42).

Would you agree that many believers are in the same situation today? Whether at work or at home; whether in the marketplace or in the church. Many believers today need an encounter with the God who answers; the God who heals, delivers and sets free suddenly, and He wants to do just that.

God is about to cause your life to be revolutionized. He is coming to your house today to resurrect dead dreams and breathe life into dead visions. And when He comes, everyone and everything in your midst will be astonished at the miracles, signs and wonders, which are wrought by His spirit. Therefore, prepare your hearts and get ready to encounter the God of the suddenlies today.

While He was still speaking, some came from the house of the synagogue ruler and said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?”

As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid, only believe.”

He let no one follow Him, except Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. He came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and saw the tumult, and those who wept and wailed loudly. When He came in, He said to them, “Why make this uproar and weep? The girl is not dead, but sleeping.” They laughed at Him in ridicule.

But when He had put them all out, He took the father and the mother of the girl and those who were with Him and entered where the girl was lying. He took the girl by the hand and said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years of age. And they were greatly astonished (Mark 5:35-42).

Below, we have included a few of the powerful declarations from the book Sudden Breakthrough. Make these declarations over your life for the next 21 days and believe God to see the manifestation of the things you declare.

  • Let everything that has been held up in my life be released suddenly.
  • Let every barren place in my life flourish suddenly.
  • Let every sickness and infirmity in my life be suddenly healed.
  • Let dry bones suddenly live.
  • Let my enemies be suddenly scattered.
  • Let my finances go from not enough to an overflow suddenly.
  • Let every no be turned into a yes suddenly.
  • Let every weary person receive strength suddenly.
  • Let every closed door be open suddenly.
  • Let every no be turned to a yes suddenly.
  • Let every red light be turned to green suddenly.
  • Let an anointing for miracles and favor suddenly, pursue, overtake and consume me. {eoa}

La Jun and Valora Cole are a ministry power-team based in Tampa, Florida, where they serve as global senior pastors of Contagious Church with campuses in Tampa, Tallahassee, Jacksonville Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina. La Jun and Valora are published authors of several books to include their latest release through Destiny Image publishers entitled Sudden Breakthrough. LaJun and Valora may be contacted at, 1 (844)-We R Cole or via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or You Tube). Their latest book, Sudden Breakthrough, may be purchased anywhere books are sold. For signed copies simply go to their website.

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