Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

Activate God’s Overflowing Blessings With These 2 Attitudes

The term “blessings” is used very lightly by many people today, having become a simple greeting. However, from God’s standpoint, a blessing is something very powerful. In the Scriptures, both God and human beings give blessings to reveal, to define, and to establish people’s destinies.

In fact, the Lord considers blessings to be so important that He called the Israelites—and us—to choose between blessing and cursing, between life and death, depending upon our obedience and relationship to Him. (See Deut. 30:15–19.)

Just as curses can be transferred to subsequent generations, blessings can be passed to succeeding generations, as well. When we inherit a generational curse through our bloodline, we need a “transfusion” with the blood of Christ to erase inheritances of iniquity so that we can begin to enjoy an inheritance of blessing from God.

The Nature of God’s Blessing

God’s blessing is essential for our well-being. One dictionary definition of the word bless is “to speak well of.” The first thing God did after creating Adam and Eve was to bless them as He revealed their purpose and directed them toward their destiny (see Gen. 1:28.) God does the same thing when blessing us: He reveals our purpose and directs us in how to fulfill our destiny. Whomever God calls, He first blesses; and whatever He calls them to do, He blesses so that they can accomplish it. Thus, if we want to enter into His blessings, we must do what He tells us to do; we must fulfill the purpose for which we were created.

We also need to realize that the act of blessing someone carries supernatural power. The blessing is a mystery of God, and we need His revelation in regard to our particular situation in order to activate His blessing in our life. For the person who is blessed, even when their circumstances seem primed for things to go badly, they will ultimately go well for them.

The best gift or power we can receive is for God to speak well of us, because only under His words of blessing will we prosper and have success in all things. Are you in a situation where the odds are stacked against your health, your family, your business, or your ministry? What are those odds, specifically? In other words, what are your “impossibilities”? Do you think you are deficient in intelligence or skills? Do you come from a background of poverty or from a single-parent family that didn’t have access to the advantages others had? Do you lack the standard qualifications for ministry? Is your business in serious financial trouble? Are you suffering from a terminal disease?

I know what it’s like to have all the odds stacked against you. I was born in a small town in the poor country of Honduras, Central America, where opportunities for improvement were practically nonexistent. When I was young, no one believed in me, and I did not have the conventional qualifications for advancement and success. Sometimes, I didn’t even have any shoes to wear. But God had a plan for me, and He paved the way for His purposes in my life through the generosity and determination of my father, who saved up enough money to allow me to attend college in the United States. While I was at college in Miami, a fellow student told me about Jesus, and I became a Christian. Since then, nothing has been able to hinder my progress spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. God found me faithful, removed the curse and shame from me, and blessed me!

Blessings Will Overtake Us

When we have hearts that are humble and obedient toward God, we can activate His blessings in our lives, and nothing can stop us. God declared to the Israelites, “And all these blessings will come on you and overtake you if you listen to the voice of the Lord your God” (Deut. 28:2). The blessings of God will rise above and beyond anything that seems to stand in our way, including personal crises, adverse government policies or an unstable global economy. People will know that God is with you when they see that nothing stops you—when you prosper wherever you go and no matter what opposition you face.

To be blessed is to be supernaturally empowered, or anointed, to prosper and to have success against all odds and adversity.

As an apostle, a pastor and a spiritual father in the church of Jesus Christ, I want to bless you. Receive this prayer and declaration:

Heavenly Father, I come before Your presence according to the merits of Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for the many blessings You have given me so that I can be a blessing to others. What You have freely given me, I freely give to others. Therefore, to this reader, whom You love, I say, “I bless you, and I remove every curse and every negative word that anyone has been spoken against your life. And now, as an authority in the church of Christ, I release God’s blessing into your life, and I empower you to prosper. I declare that everything you touch will be successful, and that the favor and grace of God will accompany you. I declare that you will succeed despite any negative or challenging circumstances. May the Lord release over you all the blessings that Jesus won on the cross. I declare that you are blessed with health in your body, health in your mind, and health in your soul. You will be fruitful, and you will multiply wherever you go. Against all odds, I declare that you are blessed and prosperous.” In Jesus’ name, amen! {eoa}

Edited excerpt from Supernatural Deliverance (© 2016) by Guillermo Maldonado, published by Whitaker House. Used with permission.

Active in ministry for over twenty years, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry—one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States—which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God´s supernatural power. He is a spiritual father to more than 350 churches in 50 countries, which form the Supernatural Global Network. He is also the founder of the University of the Supernatural Ministry (USM). Apostle Maldonado has a doctorate in Christian counseling and a master’s degree in practical theology. He resides in Miami, Florida, with his wife and partner in ministry, Ana, and their two sons, Bryan and Ronald. Visit

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