Sun. Mar 2nd, 2025

10 Tips for Rooting Rebellion Out of Your Life

Even as Christians, some still have a great deal of rebellion in them.

Rebellion as defined by Webster’s is opposition to one in authority. When we rebelled as teenagers against our parents, we were rebelling against their authority over us. We rebelled because we wanted it our way.

We thought we knew what was best for us. As teenagers, we wanted to do it ourselves. But that is not so much different than how we are today.

Rebellion takes control. Rebellion doesn’t want to be told what to do, much like when we were teenagers. As adults, some haven’t been healed and want to stay in control. In essence, we still play the childish games when we haven’t received the full deliverance Christ offers us. We must be delivered of control and rebellion to walk in the fullness of God. 

In the Bible it says, “Do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah, and as in the day of Massah in the wilderness” (Ps. 95:8). Rebellion causes hardness of heart. When you rebel, you shut down, withdraw and put up self-protective walls. You may shut down your feelings and shove your problems down deep inside so you don’t have to deal with them. If you don’t deal with them, then you don’t allow yourself to feel and it is often easier for some people not to feel than it is to deal with their emotions. In the long run, this is not healthy and will eventually catch up with you.

Rebellion is casting down your flesh. We rebel because we want what we want. We want to do things our way. We think we know best or we don’t feel like doing it any other way. In order to conquer rebellion, we need to say, “What I want is not important.” Our flesh wants! Our flesh craves! Our flesh desires!

Each of us is a spirit person. Our flesh will die and decay in a grave! It is not important to satisfy our flesh; what is important is that we are in the perfect will of our Father.

Some people are rebellious from a very early age. These people often experience rebellion because, all of their lives, they have been controlled and told what to do. Acting out in rebellion is their way of gaining control instead of being controlled. However, people can take that rebellion and apply it against other Christians. Because they have been controlled by people, they can misunderstand what leadership requires and perceive it as control from leaders.

Rebellion and control are what have infiltrated our churches and caused dissension and division. In order to gain control over what is happening in our churches, we need to gain control over what has happened in our own lives. We can’t be concerned with another person’s rebellion and control until we are concerned and have rooted out our own.

To get rid of rebellion, it is really about taking every thought captive and submitting it to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:4-5). That means when a thought comes and you want to act out in a certain way, you need to ask yourself, “Would Jesus act this way?” You need to take every thought, every action and every word to prayer. We need to be radically disciplined in praying and asking ourselves if this behavior or action lines up with the Word of God. Is this what the Father would want us to do? We need to be persistent in prayer. Our lives are not our own, they belong to the one on the throne. We should be in constant submission to Him. 

If you have been rebellious, ask the Holy Spirit to search you and show you where and repent. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to root out all pockets of rebellion and then change your behavior patterns.

Here is a prayer of repentance:

“Heavenly Father, forgive me for being rebellious. I ask for Your forgiveness. Help me to be submissive. Holy Spirit, convict me when I am acting out in a behavior that does not please my Father. Teach me and instruct me to submit, obey, persevere, cooperate and act in a manner that is pleasing to God, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

As you continue to move forward, use these practical steps to turn from a rebellious attitude to walking in the love and light of Jesus Christ.

1. Take every thought captive.

2. Pray about actions and decisions.

3. Don’t act out in the flesh.

4. Bind your mind to the mind of Christ and the Word of God.

5. Think before you act or speak.

6. Give up the need to have control.

7. Humble yourself—don’t allow pride to take over.

8. Know that no one can reject you, because God accepts you.

9. Make a conscious effort to walk out of rebellion.

10. Fear the Lord. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is the founder of DeGraw Ministries a prophetic ministry releasing the love and power of God, igniting people in the prophetic and releasing people from emotional bondage. She’s passionate about teaching people the power of prayer through declaring. She speaks at conferences and travels hosting evangelistic love tours. She has written her own prophetic and deliverance training manuals in order to assist other ministries. She is the founder of Change into Colorless, an anti-racism corporation and co-pastors a church. Kathy is the author of Spiritual Warfare Declarations, A Worship Woven Life, Time to Set the Captives Free, and Flesh, Satan or God. Connect with Kathy at

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