Mon. Oct 28th, 2024

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul will make its boast in the Lord; The humble will hear it and rejoice” (Ps. 34:1-2, NASB 1995).

Here, we conclude our series on King David’s declarations to the Lord. In the last three posts, we have focused on Psalm 34:1, and now we move on to Psalm 34:2.

“My soul will make its boast in the Lord,” David says. And then he continues to say, “The humble will hear it and rejoice.”

David’s confidence in the Lord was apparent and obvious to all. David was not shy about, nor did he hold back from, declaring his love for his Father. David, the mighty king of Israel, knew his God and wanted to make sure everyone else knew of His glory too.

Order Rabbi Schneider’s new book, “A Journey Into Divine Love,” at this link.

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“But let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me” (Jer. 9:24a).

When we are coming from the right spirit, there is nothing wrong with boasting in God or boasting about God because others will see our confidence in HaShem and receive hope. Sometimes we are so concerned about the need to stay humble that the enemy is actually using that against us because we are not reflecting the assurance God wants us to have.

Again, David says, “The humble will hear it and rejoice.” Why would the humble rejoice when David is making his boast in the Lord? Because David’s meekness gave confidence to those who were struggling—that God would help them as well. When David says he is making his boast in the Lord, what he is really affirming is that he is going to make it known to people that his self-assurance and his strength does not come from his own abilities, but from God—who has become his complete competence.

This gives the common person confidence and comfort because they realize there may be an answer for them too.  We all know people who have really been “beaten up” by life: they have been oppressed, mistreated or feel they have no hope. But when we are humble and declare our certainty in the Lord, we minister the love of God to them, and our humble but confident witness may change their lives!

We may say something like this: “You know what? I was in your shoes too at one time. I was so broken. I was so needy. I was so desperate. I had no hope. And then I met the Father through Jesus. When I found Jesus, my life began changing, and God started giving me victory and brought me true peace.”

This one who was lost may thus find hope. This is what David meant when he said: “The humble will hear it and rejoice.”

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Our testimony is so needed in our world. It is getting darker and darker. People are struggling today more than ever. Humanity needs to see those who truly have a relationship with God. Let us be like David, and let His praise continually be in our mouth. Let us make our boast in the Lord. And let the humble hear of our love for HaShem, hear of our love for Jesus/Yeshua, so that they can find hope for their own lives—and rejoice.

It is important, though, that when we are sharing the light of HaShem to someone, we are not doing it in a way that sounds like we are lecturing them. We also want to avoid making people feel as though we think we are better or smarter than they are. We want to focus on simply sharing that the Lord has become our helper. This will give confidence and hope to those who are ripe. It will not feel to them as though we are competing against them.

Instead, they will perceive that we are pulling for them, that we are coming from a place of being human—that we have come from a past of brokenness, despair and being overwhelmed by life—just like where they are. And when they understand that we are just like them and found restoration and wholeness in God through Jesus, that can give them hope and strength. Again, that is why David said, “The humble will hear it and rejoice.”

Beloved, Father God has big and awesome plans for us through Yeshua. Let us keep on putting one foot in front of the other every day and giving Him our best, and as we do, God’s blessings are going to continue to be poured out upon us in a rich and deep way.


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Rabbi Kirt Schneider hosts the impactful television program “Discovering The Jewish Jesus,” which is available in more than 200 million homes in the United States and nearly 200 nations worldwide. In 2021 he began broadcasting on radio and now airs across America. Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus’ Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of Messianic prophecy.  Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of The Almighty Yahweh are answered with exceptional clarity. Experience a divine encounter with God in his new book, “A Journey Into Divine Love,” available at this link.

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