Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025

Have you ever wondered why some people leave your life, or why it seems like God is pushing you to let go of certain relationships?

It’s painful. It’s often confusing. But according to Pastor Vlad Savchuk of HungryGen Ministries, it might be the very thing God is using to prepare you for something greater.

“Stop holding on to these people,” Savchuk said in a recent message. “God is trying to remove them, and you’ve got to let them go.”

Using the analogy of a vineyard, Savchuk said certain people are like unpruned branches—what growers call “suckers.”

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“If you don’t prune them, they will take the sap and actually steal that sap from branches that will bear fruit,” he said. “They will produce nothing but just a bunch of suckers.”

Savchuk outlined eight types of people believers should consider releasing for the sake of their spiritual health and future.

The Eight People to Let Go

1. The betrayer — Judas type
These are individuals who act like friends but betray you for their own gain.
“They betray your trust and loyalty,” Savchuk said. “Jesus released Judas, knowing his betrayal would fulfill God’s plan.”

2. The toxic companion — Jonah type
These people bring storms into your life because they are running from God.
“The sailors with Jonah faced a crazy storm. They had to let Jonah go by throwing him overboard,” he said.

3. The distractor — Delilah type
People who use seduction or manipulation to pull you off course.
“Delilah caused Samson to lose his strength and connection with God,” Savchuk said. “Holding on to such people will lead you into spiritual calamity.”

4. The doubter — 10 spies type
These individuals carry negativity and fear that kill your faith.
“They discouraged Israel from entering the promised land,” he said. “Their negativity caused an entire generation to miss out on God’s blessing.”

5. The user — prodigal friends type
They’re only around for what they can gain. When times get hard, they vanish.
“They’re only there because you’re famous,” Savchuk said. “The moment you hit a grind, they disappear.”

6. The oppressor — Pharaoh type
These people refuse to let you grow and keep you bound in toxic cycles.
“They keep you in unhealthy relationships for their benefit,” he said. “Sometimes God removes the oppressors to set you free.”

7. The envious — Saul type
They don’t celebrate your success. Instead, they compete with you or sabotage out of jealousy.
“Saul envied David and tried to kill him because of God’s favor on David’s life,” Savchuk said.

8. The limiter — Lot type
They may not be bad, but their presence holds you back.
“Lot wasn’t a bad guy. He was a blind guy,” Savchuk said. “After Abraham parted ways with Lot, God revealed the full extent of His promise.”

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What to do When They Leave

Savchuk also gave practical advice for what to do when these people walk away—or when God leads you to let them go.

1. Let them go
“Don’t chase them. Don’t be desperate,” he said. “Don’t try to hold on to someone who does not want to stay.”

2. Grieve, but don’t hold a grudge
“It’s OK to grieve,” he said. “But if you keep rejection and bitterness in your heart, you’ll contaminate what God wants to do next.”

3. Stay hopeful
“Your future is not connected to those who betrayed you,” Savchuk said. “It’s connected to God.”

He referenced the prophet Samuel grieving over King Saul, whom God had rejected.
“How long are you going to weep?” God asked Samuel. “Fill your horn with oil and go anoint the next king.”

4. Keep the lights on
“Don’t burn the bridge,” Savchuk said. “Some people will come back, and you may be the one God uses to help them.”

He cited the story of Joseph, who was rejected by his brothers but later saved them during a famine. “Be the bigger person,” Savchuk said.

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Let God do the Pruning

Ultimately, Savchuk emphasized that pruning—though painful—is part of God’s plan.

“Some of those people were like scaffolding,” he said. “They were there for a season and a reason. But when the wall was built, the scaffolding came down.”

Letting go, he said, is not about being angry or resentful. It’s about trusting God.

“Hold on to God. His grace is in your life,” Savchuk said. “And value the people He has granted you to have for a lifetime.”

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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