
  • Is There a Revival of the Ten Commandments in Schools?

    Is There a Revival of the Ten Commandments in Schools?

    Is America on the precipice of bringing God back into the fold of society and righting the wrong that was made decades ago? As education in America continues to sputter and fail at actually instructing youth in being productive, moral and upstanding citizens, it now appears that several states are going back to the basics

  • Did Jesus Ever Visit the Synagogue at Khirbet Wadi Hamam?

    Did Jesus Ever Visit the Synagogue at Khirbet Wadi Hamam?

    Among many sites, villages and towns visited by Jesus during His ministry, many have not been mentioned in the Gospels for diverse unknown reasons. Today, scholars still seek out new archaeological evidence for this chapter of history. Indeed, the Gospels provide evidence that Jesus was not only able to travel to Capernaum, Bethsaida, Chorazin, Nazareth

  • Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: WATCH: America’s No. 1 Issue

    Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: WATCH: America’s No. 1 Issue

    A catastrophic and chaotic situation has been unfolding at the southern border for the past few years, and now it has become an emergency and crisis. Our resources are being raided, and our nation is in the crosshairs of a Marxist plot to bring America down. The state of Texas has taken a stand. It

  • Biblical Prosperity: ‘What’s in Your Hand?’

    Biblical Prosperity: ‘What’s in Your Hand?’

    (Editor’s Note: This is Part 1 of a three-part series, “Steps for Biblical Prosperity and Success in ’24.” Watch Charisma Magazine Online for Parts 2 and 3, coming soon.) The root Hebrew word translated in the Old Testament as “prosperity” can also have several alternate translations to suggest “safety, wellness, happiness, healthiness and peace.” If

  • Jentezen Franklin: What Is the Secret to Fasting?

    Jentezen Franklin: What Is the Secret to Fasting?

    The question usually comes from someone with a genuine desire for deeper intimacy with the Lord and knowledge of God’s perfect will. For me, fasting has been the secret to obtaining open doors, miraculous provision, favor and the tender touch of God upon my life. I was on a three-day fast when God called me

  • Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?

    Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?

    Continuing in his “Signs of the Times” sermon series, Pastor Jentezen Franklin of Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia, could not have picked a more appropriate time for such a teaching. In the wake of Israel being the target of an unprecedented and unprovoked attack by the demonically-driven Hamas terror group, Franklin shared the words of

  • Misunderstandings About the Gift of Prophecy

    Misunderstandings About the Gift of Prophecy

    There is so much confusion and danger today surrounding the third realm of the prophetic, the gift of prophecy. Proper understanding always starts in Scripture. So let’s start with Paul’s explanation to the Corinthians. “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And

  • The Prince of Persia Is Fighting God’s Purpose in the Modern World

    The Prince of Persia Is Fighting God’s Purpose in the Modern World

    Renowned author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn delves into the mysteries of ancient times that continue to shape present-day events. In a recent message, Rabbi Cahn unveils a profound perspective on the spiritual battles that underlie global occurrences. At the heart of his discourse is the intriguing narrative found in the book of Daniel. Cahn raises the

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