Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Have You Learned This Spiritual Success Secret Yet?

I recently retired, sold most of our belongings and trekked across the country for a fresh start.

I recently retired, sold most of our belongings and trekked across the country for a fresh start. This is not unlike many who do the same in our mobile society every day. However, this was our 25th move. You would think we’d have it down to a science by now. And we did, 25 years ago. But this was a hard move. I’m an old lady now. No, really. I am old. I am tired and dealing with the many challenges old age brings for myself, my husband of over 50 years, and my family. I feel spiritually invigorated and mentally astute, though my body seems to have a mind of its own; so like it or not, it gets a vote in what we do and don’t do.

I felt a little like Moses, who at 80, after spending 40 years in Egypt and another 40 in a desert/wilderness, received a new call and could do no other than obey. But the God who is over all things and does what seems impossible was with him. He enabled Moses to go beyond anything he could have imagined. He had no choice but to follow the Lord one day at a time, and in the process God used him to save a nation. One of his greatest strengths was the understanding that he could not do this alone and was totally dependent on the Lord. The God who called Him enabled him—one day at a time.

Some years ago, when I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep an appointment for a job interview, I became distressed. I desperately needed a job because we had just moved to another city (again) and the needs were great.

As I sensed the anxiety, the Word of the Lord rose up in my spirit, “This is the day the Lord has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it—even if I don’t make that important interview!”

When I began to meditate on the Scripture that was the foundation of this word, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: “THIS is the day. Today. Live today. Don’t waste today fantasizing about tomorrow or reminiscing about the past. Make the most of today. You cannot change the past. Yesterday is gone forever. You cannot live yesterday over again. You can only live in one timeframe at a time. Do not look back! He who sets his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.”

He continued: “What you do today affects tomorrow. Whatever you sow today you will reap tomorrow. If you waste today, your tomorrow will be empty. If you don’t plant, water and weed today, you will have no fruit tomorrow.”

Wow! Fears began to rise up within me—concerns about past failures and about the unknown future. I got a bad case of the “What ifs”—What if this happens? What if that happens?

In the midst of all that, the Holy Spirit taught me a profound yet simple lesson. It was the secret to living successfully each day of a Spirit-filled life.

I realized then that it is dangerous to fantasize about the future but not plant today for it—because when the future becomes today and there’s no fruit, the day will be empty. So how did I plant?

I began to focus on the day—not the past and not the future. I set my heart on the will of God for that day. I determined to be glad in that day. I confessed, “I will live for God THIS day. I will overcome by the blood of the Lamb THIS day. I will do my best in everything my hand finds to do THIS day. I will cast down vain imaginations THIS day. I will bring every thought into obedience and captive to the lordship of Jesus Christ THIS day.”

Why THIS day? Because if I am thinking about tomorrow’s good or evil, I’m not dealing with today’s requirements. Jesus focused on doing the will of the Father on a daily basis.

I’ve walked with the Lord for over 70 years now, and every act of obedience has brought its own challenges, reward and fruit. I am now living in my tomorrow, but the truth I learned many years ago remains. I still need to plant seeds of obedience for a continual harvest—one day at a time.

You may ask, “Is it true that as you age you become more childlike?” Well, I don’t know about that, but I do know that each day is full of promise because you know the truth of what’s been sown in your own heart. Sometimes reminders come in the form of old songs which are simple but hold profound truths, like this favorite: “I don’t know about tomorrow…but I know who holds my hand.” Do you know who holds your hand through all your tomorrows?

In all the changes, one thing remains constant and that is the peace that comes from following Him one day at a time. If you are going through difficult times and are uncertain about the future, don’t let fear paralyze you. Instead, take hold of God’s Word, and it will enable you to get through these unpredictable and turbulent times—one day at a time.

Prayer Power for May 21, 2017

This week pray daily that you would achieve all that the Lord has purposed for you in that day. Pray for those in your own sphere of influence at home, work, extended family, neighborhood, church and community. Continue to lift up our nation, its leaders and allies. Watch what the Lord does as you faithfully bring them before His throne. James 4:13-15; Matt. 6:34 {eoa}

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