Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

God’s 5 Rock-Steady Promises for Your Present and Future

What does the future hold for you? In these shaky and uncertain times it is often difficult to know what assurances and hope the present might offer, let alone tomorrow!

Thankfully, God Almighty has made provision for us—present time and future time! His Word declares and reveals it!

Here are five rock-steady Scripture promises from His Word that instruct and reveal to us that no matter what, God is in charge and has made provision in all areas of our lives.

1. If your worries are vast, Jesus our Lord is Lord over all things! Regardless of how many the obstacles or how great they are, we tend to forget who is on the throne—Jesus, the risen and all powerful and omnipresent Christ over all and all principalities.

In Him we become complete to finish any challenges or task!

God’s rock-steady promise to you: “And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power” (Col. 2:10).

2. If that mountain you face is high, Jesus our Lord is higher and greater! The Lord is higher and greater than any mountain you could possibly face!

In the Word, the Lord invites us to simply speak to those mountains getting in the way of our hopes, desires and dreams. Have faith in the Lord! Bring Him in on all things you face! For nothing is impossible with Him!

He is your power, and in Him is your destiny! No matter what you have behind you, He is with you presently and into your future—and there is hope! He is your hope!

God’s rock-steady promise to you: “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done he will have whatever he says” (Mark 11:23).

3. If people have failed you or let you down, the Lord is forever faithful! The Lord will listen to you at any hour day or night, then answer your greatest prayer concerns and fulfill your great calling for your life!

God’s rock-steady promise to you: “He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it” (1 Thess. 5:24).

4. If you have unfulfilled hopes and dreams, the Lord will complete those very things He has planted in your heart! God does not place something in your heart and then let it die on the vine!

In fact, Jesus is our Vine of Life who will nurture you all the way—even through the rough and unsure and challenging times—until you fulfill your dreams and cross the finish line into the winner’s circle.

God’s rock-steady promise to you: “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6).

5. If your past is filled with failure, be of good cheer: Your future is still in His great hands! God does not create losers. Even before He formed you, He was aware of you and your uniqueness and callings and the greatness of Him you would carry for great and beautiful purposes!

As God speaks to His prophet in Jeremiah, let this be a model from His great Word about His great promises for your own precious God-given life!

God’s rock-steady promise to you: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you to be a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5).

Despite all things imperfect in this world, God—being perfect—is not limited to it. He is our great Lord Almighty who is omnipotent, omnipresent—ever faithful and ever-present, ever loving and true to His promises to us! With Him on our side, whom can we fear? With Him with us at all times, we can walk forward into a future that fulfills His great and bright promises for us!


This week shift your eyes from what’s lacking in your life to the Lord’s greatness and great love for you. Thank Him that He’s given you strength, hope and wisdom to move beyond your circumstances. Pray that God will continue to protect this beautiful country of ours and bless, comfort, and provide for those hurting and in need. Thank Him that as His ambassador He will help you spread His unconditional love to those around you, and be part of His provision. Remember Israel and the persecuted church as you pray for our own leaders. 2 Cor. 5:20.   

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