Sandra Clifton, D. Min.

  • God’s 5 Rock-Steady Promises for Your Present and Future

    God’s 5 Rock-Steady Promises for Your Present and Future

    What does the future hold for you? In these shaky and uncertain times it is often difficult to know what assurances and hope the present might offer, let alone tomorrow! Thankfully, God Almighty has made provision for us—present time and future time! His Word declares and reveals it! Here are five rock-steady Scripture promises from

  • God’s Love Message Is the Sweetest Gift of All

    God’s Love Message Is the Sweetest Gift of All

    “What are you thinking?” I asked my husband, Terry, who was staring at the lineup of 15 throwaway cameras that graced our kitchen counter. “Valentine’s Day,” Terry answered.  You’re not married for 26 years without getting a glimmer of your spouse’s next thought. So I revealed it to him: “I know—you were going to find

  • Walking Freely to the Beat

    Walking Freely to the Beat

    As I stood at the deli, waiting for the lady butcher to slice my roast chicken, I found my foot tapping. The beat was contagious, so I had to comment as my feet lightly marched in step: “Is that Souza playing? I love patriotic marches!” The young lady slicing my chicken stopped all action, leaned

  • Outside the Box

    Outside the Box

    After Mother went home to be with the Lord, the family held an estate sale of her possessions that had been sitting in boxes for years. As I rummaged through the boxes of elegant china, laces and linens, one box in particular caught my eye. This one smelled musty, and a piece of straw was…

  • The Perfect Dinner

    Years ago, when my husband, Terry, and I were dating, I set about to fix what I called the “perfect dinner” for Valentine’s Day. On the menu were Terry’s favorites: baked pasta with marinara sauce smothered in cheese, salad and buttery garlic bread. How difficult was that? In a word, highly!You see I was a…

  • God’s Bouquet of Love

    “Call in! Your chance to throw a brick or a bouquet!”The radio host was inviting his coast-to-coast listeners to air a grievance or grudge against someone—their chance to get even. Or they could call in and compliment someone. The choice was theirs!Most were angry callers with a grudge and a beef to air. The disturbing…

  • Yuletide Carols Not Sung by a Choir

    It was late afternoon on Christmas Eve. I was getting ready to pay a visit with my church cell group to The Meadows nursing home. Each of the five members of our group was to take a plate of cookies, to mingle a bit and to wish everybody “Merry Christmas.”The phone rang and changed that.…

  • God’s Supernatural Door to Joy

    Have you ever looked through a kaleidoscope lens to see a picture form, only to turn the base and experience an entirely new picture form before your very eyes?  I had this kaleidoscope effect happen to me one day—surprisingly, at a time when I least expected it.I was sitting on the couch, feeling overwhelmed by…

  • Seeing the Big Picture

    “Our shipment will be here tomorrow,” announced my husband, Terry, as he was reading his e-mails. The “shipment” was a beautiful bedroom set, consisting of a bed, two end tables, a chest of drawers, a mirror and a huge armoire – all sale-priced and perfectly designed for the dream house we had in mind. The

  • Let Freedom Ring!

    “God bless America, my home sweet home!”

  • When They Try to Tell Us There Is No God

    I sat in the small coffee shop reading the morning paper. My attention was immediately drawn to a headline that caught my eye. A well-known former public figure with clout had just come out with his book—one proclaiming the news that there was no sovereign God. The review presented it, without even questioning such a…

  • Be A Witness

    Be A Witness

    When I worked as a screen extra in the movies, one of the people with whom I was paired in the dining scenes was a man named Arthur. No one, including me, wanted to be around him. For one thing, Arthur had a foul mouth. He used it to complain and mutter obscenities and to…

  • Amazed by the Supernatural

    (PART 1) Consider the magnitude of God's awesome power. It is without end or limitation. As believers, you and I can enter into His realm of supernatural power and experience thrilling adventures as we come to know His ways and His workings. 

  • Captured But Not Crushed

    Sometimes it is the most desperate places in life where we learn the most valuable lessons. Often, these lessons consist of things we think we know. We believe that we understand what it is to forgive. Mercifully, most of us are never put to the ultimate test. But the Scriptures tell us of the Son of…

  • The Strength in His Names

    (Part 1)God's names carry great significance. As His child, You can claim His names as your inheritance and allow their meanings to broaden your understanding of who He is in your life. As you begin to apply these Scriptural names of God, expect to experience a greater move of His Spirit upon your life.

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