Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Victimized but Not a Victim: How One Man Found Redemption

While Kevin was a college student, he attended the church my husband and I pastored. He read my book, One Voice. Afterwards, he shared with me things that happened to him when he was a child. As he talked, I could feel the pain in his voice.

Kevin truly loved the Lord, yet he longed for something greater. As he pursued God with all his heart, he was blessed with a mentor who had a prophetic mantle upon his life. It was this prophetic voice God used to make a huge difference in Kevin’s life. He experienced complete deliverance from the pain and strongholds of his past. You see, he was only 5 years old when he was subjected to molestation.

Did you know?

—It is estimated that 1 of 6 boys and 1 of 4 girls are sexually abused before the age of 12?

—68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police?

—98% of rapists never spend a single day in jail?

—66% of sexual assaults are from a family member or someone they know?

When Kevin at 5 years of age experienced sexual abuse, he didn’t know it was abuse. Abusers speak tenderly to their victims. It’s usually someone who is trusted, a family member or a close friend.

When I counseled Kevin, he shared how the abuse eventually impacted his identity. He became confused about who he was. He discussed how the door was opened for demonic activity. The deep, dark secret affected his life to the point that he began searching for love and acceptance—in all the wrong places. He struggled with thoughts of his manhood. “Am I really a man—something feels off.” The taunts from other children, the names they called him seemed to confirm his uncertainties. His search took him to straight bars, gay bars, sex, drugs and alcohol—all in his efforts to find love and acceptance.

Kevin was an amazing athlete. Basketball was his passion, and he was good at it. Putting his confidence in his talents, abilities and money led to open doors to rejection and shame. He was living a life with no boundaries. One fateful day, his search for his identity came to an end. A gentleman spoke with him after a basketball game. Through this conversation, God spoke to Kevin’s heart. There was a hole in his life. It was empty. All the time he was accumulating stuff, he was lacking everything. The love of God changed everything. During the conversation, this man saw an open door to share a word of salvation. As a result, Kevin had a genuine experience with God.

“Your broken past will try to shape you into a person that God never intended for you to be,” says Kevin. “Did you know the devil has traps set for you? He has a strategy and a plan? He knows if he can get to you as a child, then he feels like he’s got you. But there’s power in one voice! One voice has the potential to change everything, even your past,” says Kevin.

The Word of God says, “I know the plans I have for you” (Jer. 29:11). That means God has designs for your life. He is the architect of your temple, your destiny, your purpose, your life!

Kevin elaborates how the enemy tried to shape him into a person he was never meant to be through childhood sexual abuse and molestation. It was one voice that spoke into his life at different stages of his healing that made a difference; that changed everything! He talks about how God has promised to take what the devil meant for harm and turn it around for good! That is exactly what God did for him!

In the One Voice podcasts you will hear how God can take a broken life and make something beautiful out of it. You will see that the enemy works in darkness, in secrets, inviting shame and guilt so as to keep you silent, angry and lonely. No longer will we be silent! We will tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help us God!

In the episodes that follow you will hear more of Kevin’s story. His and more stories will declare how the power of God’s voice speaks truth into our lives—giving us new life. The old has passed away and behold, God is doing a new thing! The old life is buried; the new life is resurrected in Christ Jesus. Jesus puts within us a brand-new heart, with new desires and new thoughts!

Tune in each week to hear real-life stories of how God is bringing people out of total darkness, shame, guilt and despair into the marvelous light in Jesus Christ! We will bring into the light the stuff the church has left silent. {eoa}

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