Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

There are times God sits you down and says, “Here are some
things you need to know!” When God brings you into that kind of season, it’s a
very special time. Treasure it! What He teaches you in a season of instruction
will equip you for all that lies ahead.

The children of Israel went on a journey through the
wilderness before they entered their promised land. In this entire journey, God
was working to accomplish one thing: to prepare a people for Himself. He was teaching them that they could trust Him; from
trust He would lead them into the fullness of His promise. He is the same today
and is doing His will the same today. God is working in your life to teach you
and strengthen your faith so that you can enter into the blessing He has
prepared for you.

So let God take you on His journey. Learn the lessons of the
wilderness. Receive His instruction. In every situation, commit your life to
Him so you can be fully prepared to enter the promise.

I see 10 issues we need to understand as we come through
this next wilderness season. Some of you have been in a wilderness season long
enough. Others are entering in a season that should not be prolonged. And some
are ready to come out of a wilderness and see their promise fulfilled.

  1. Look
    for your time of opening into the next season
    (Gen. 8:6). At the end of 40 days Noah opened the window of the
    ark and sent out a raven and then a dove. He waited until he saw a sign of
    land that he needed. Declare an open window of heaven and look for the
    sign from the Lord that your wilderness is ending.
  2. Look
    for a shift from mourning to joy
    50:3). Biblically, mourning has a set period of time. They mourned the
    loss of Joseph for 40 days. Many of us are going through mourning seasons.
    However, let God break your mourning into dancing. Make a list of how
    death is keeping you hostage, and declare that the power of loss and
    robbing must end at the end of this period.
  3. Get
    ready to receive revelation regarding God’s covenant plan for your future
    (Exod. 24:18; 14:28). Moses waited 40 days. And
    God gave him the boundaries for the future generation.
  4. In
    your time of searching, do not let your perspective overtake God’s reality
    (Num. 13:25). During your searching
    time, let God reveal the intricacies of your promise. However, do not let
    the vision of war overtake you.
  5. Allow
    this time to be one of developing an inner responsibility so you can
    steward the riches that God has to release to you in the future.
    This is a key time to look at the stewardship
    issues of your life. You may be linked into a wilderness issue of supply.
    Be willing to change and take what God has given you and invest in a new
    way (Num. 14:34; Luke 19).
  6. Use
    this as a time of repentance
    9:18). One key reason for wilderness times is to use the time to change
    your mind and think the way God thinks. Allow the Lord to place His finger
    on what you must turn from so you can find your path out of the
  7. Experience
    the wilderness as a time of mercy
    10:10). Even though the people fell into idolatry when Moses went on Mount
    Sinai the first time, God let him go up again. Know that past mistakes can
    be rectified quickly. During this next 40 days, look for your second-chance
  8. Do
    not agree with any atmosphere of unbelief.
    This is not a time to fear the voice of the giant (1Sam. 17:16).
    Goliath taunted God’s covenant people 40 days. The devil will try to
    convince you during your wilderness season that he will overcome you. He
    might speak, but do not receive his lies.
  9. Reconcile
    corporate vision
    (Ezek. 4:9) Ezekiel
    interceded for Judah for 40 days. Review corporate failures that you have
  10. Develop
    spiritual discipline
    (Matt. 4:2).
    Jesus fasted during His wilderness time so He would stay alert to the

 The triumphant release has begun. This is a time to expect
visitation (Acts 1:3). Count each day as a day that you will have a new level
arise, and you will enter a new power to overcome.

God is developing a new level of power within His people.
The church must not continue hanging on to the last season of power, which is
not enough for this new season. Power is the ability to act or produce an
effect. When power is processed by faith properly, we see authority
demonstrated (Matt 8). Even though you might feel weak now, get ready to
receive power. Let your wilderness time develop a new strength and power in
you. He gives us power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the
power of the enemy.

Adapted from Time to Defeat the Devil by Chuck Pierce, copyright 2011, published by
Charisma House. This book will help you see how God reconciles the past and
brings any defeats you may have experienced in previous seasons to victories
and triumphs in the new one. To order a copy click on this link.



This week allow God to endue you with power as He promised,
so that you can experience a new level to overcome every situation and
accomplish all He has for you in this season. Join others who are fasting and
praying for revival and for the nation. Continue to pray for Israel, the
persecuted church, our military, current and future leaders of our churches and
our country. Ask for opportunities to exercise your faith to minister as He
leads with the power of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8

To enrich your prayer
life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate
scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt:
Prayers that Rout Demons, Prayers that Bring Healing, Prayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break
Curses. To order any or all of these click here.

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