Sun. Mar 2nd, 2025

Cindy Jacobs: ‘God is Awakening and He’s Bringing Revival’

Cindy Jacobs (Charisma Media archives)

There is little doubt that Christian persecution is accelerating throughout the globe. People throughout the world are dying every day for the gospel of Christ, while others must endure great hardship because of their faith.

Many Christians leaders have drawn a parallel between the two, and these leaders say it is becoming increasingly crucial for believers to prepare for what is coming—both the good and the bad.

Cindy Jacobs, the co-founder of Generational International, certainly recognizes the persecution of Christians throughout the world, and says we must definitely pray for those who are impacted. But, Jacobs says, revival is also increasing throughout the world, and millions who are hearing the gospel for the first time are embracing the cross of Christ with enthusiasm.

“God is awakening and He is bringing revival,” Jacobs told CBN News. “We are in revival in many places. We may not recognize it, but I mean, literally, millions are getting saved. Millions in Iran. There’s a huge move of God in Iran right now.

“I mean, we’re talking to people, boots on the ground. It’s a very exciting time to live. So, keep your eye on the prize, not the problem.”

Pastor Andrew Brunson, who spent two years in prison in Turkey on trumped-up terrorism and spying charges and was released in Oct. 2018, says persecution and harassment toward Christ followers in America has continued to intensify and, if believers don’t take heed, they won’t be ready for what is coming.

“Jesus said that it would happen. Just as the world hated Him, it will hate His followers,” Brunson told Charisma’s Stephen Strang in 2021. “I’m especially concerned about my charismatic brothers and sisters.

“I think charismatics could be in danger. Jesus specifically warns that the love of many will grow cold, and this is talking about offense in the heart. That distances people from God, and it specifically happens in times of persecution. People become disillusioned with God because of the rise of the amount of wickedness that God allows, the judgments that He will bring and the persecution He allows, but also many people go through that silence of God. Jesus warns that many people will be knocked out. I think this is especially a risk for charismatics because of the heightened expectations that we have.”

Brunson believes the best way for believers to avoid this is to draw closer to God, quoting scripture, specifically Daniel 11:32: “‘The people who know their God shall stand and accomplish exploits.’ So sometimes we’re really focused on the exploits, accomplishing things, but the priority right now should be know your God, so that as that wave of persecution, wave of pressure comes, we remain standing.”

Heidi Baker, who co-found Iris Global Ministries with her husband, Rolland, lives in one of the most dangerous areas for Christians—Cabo del Gado in Mozambique. Over the last four years, more than 700,000 people have fled violent insurgents in northern Mozambique, with many seeking safety in Pemba and surrounding villages.

Despite the danger, Iris Global Ministries, continues to serve people in the region and continues to prepare for “a protracted season of terror and instability.” Baker says no one wants persecution or terror, but that the Bible says it is definitely coming.

“Get ready for shaking. I know people would like to pray against shaking and there’s obviously … no one wants persecution,” Baker told CBN News. “Nobody wants famines and floods and hurricanes and cyclones. But we read the end of the Book, like things that are happening now and they’re going to increase.”

Jack Hibbs, the founder of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino Hills, California, says we as Christians must hold fast to scriptures like 2 Timothy 2:1-3, which reads, “So you, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Share the things that you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses with faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Endure hard times as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”

Charlie Kirk, the founder and president of Turning Point USA ministries, says many individuals he speaks with say they’re anxious and fearful of the persecution of Christians that happening in America and the world right now. Kirk says they should be looking at the situation in a much different way.

“They say I’m so depressed and so down right now, but this is the time to be more joyful than ever before,” Kirk says. “This is the moment that we are built for. This is the moment of persecution that we are promised and trained for that will test our faith.”

Baker says God’s Word is certainly key, and we must embrace it not only now but in the days to come.

“We read this book, but we have to understand, we have to read the end of it, like we have to have faith in the midst of it,” she told CBN News. “And I want to call people to hold on to the word, like study the word. This is our map here. This is our GPS and [the] Holy Spirit’s going to guide and direct us, but this is like it is written. It is written.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.


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