Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Morning Rundown: Justin Bieber Shares Gospel Message Leading Demonized Woman to Salvation

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

Justin Bieber Shares Gospel Message Leading Demonized Woman to Salvation 

Music megastar Justin Bieber is using his platform and his influence to share openly about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

From leading tens of thousands of people in prayer at concerts to witnessing to the actor who plays Philip in “The Chosen”, the hit crowd-funded series about the life of Jesus, the young singer has become a bold evangelist according to multiple accounts.

And now, a Colombian flight attendant, whose painful past led her deep into a world of spiritual darkness, is sharing how a chance encounter on a flight with Justin Bieber planted a seed that ultimately led her to give her life to Christ.

Are You Ready for a Pentecost Outpouring?

We read in Acts 2:1-21 about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that came during Pentecost. When the 120 were waiting with expectation and anticipation through worship in the upper room, the Holy Spirit came in very unfamiliar and unexpected ways. The church was birthed and all nations were impacted.

The late Leonard Ravenhill, who embraced me like a spiritual grandson, used to say, “Many want an upper room experience like on the day of Pentecost, but they’re unwilling to humble themselves on their knees at the cross of Christ.”

You see, many want the presence and power of God, yet forget that we cannot circumvent the place of humility, holiness and honesty that comes from posture on our knees.

‘Passionate’ Pastor Crusades for Schoolchildren Against Demonic Ideologies 

Passionate about God’s truth, Pastor John Amanchukwu Sr. didn’t mind driving a total of eight hours to speak for three minutes. He didn’t get paid for his appearance, nor did he care.

All he wanted to do was let the Asheville, North Carolina, school board know that many people are fed up with their shenanigans, and they aren’t going to take it anymore.

In this Twitter video, Amanchukwu went on a three-minute tirade to the board about a “woke” book, “It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, Gender and Sexual Health,” that is being pushed upon children in that district.

  To purchase Charisma founder and bestselling author Stephen E. Strang’s latest

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