Many people look back at the book of Acts and think, “Wow, what an incredible time to be alive!” The miracles, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, entire cities coming to Christ—it was the birth of the church as we know it.
But what if I told you that what’s coming will be even greater?
That’s exactly what John Bevere believes. Not just greater, but seven times greater than what we saw in Acts.
And if he’s right, we’re on the verge of the greatest revival in human history.
A Move of God Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen
Bevere doesn’t say this lightly. In 1988, God spoke to him and said:
“Son, the outpouring of My Spirit that is coming will be much greater than the book of Acts.”
At first, he questioned it. “Lord, I know what happened in the book of Acts. How can it be seven times greater?” But then Scripture after Scripture confirmed it.
This is the latter rain.
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In James 5:7-8, we see that before Jesus returns, God will send both the early rain and the latter rain—a final outpouring that will bring in a massive harvest of souls.
Bevere explains:
“The Feast of Pentecost was first fruits. The Feast of Tabernacles is the final harvest. Pentecost represents the early rain, but the latter rain will be far greater.”
Why the Latter Rain Will Be Greater Than Acts
Let’s take a look at what happened in Acts:
- 3,000 people got saved in a single day—without marketing, without social media, just the power of God.
- Peter’s shadow healed the sick as he walked through the streets.
- Whole cities turned to Christ after witnessing a single miracle.
- The church multiplied exponentially, spreading across the known world.
Now imagine all of that—but multiplied seven times over.
In Haggai 2:9, God declares: “The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former.” That means what’s coming won’t just be similar to Acts—it will far exceed it.
Get Ready for a Global Awakening
Past revivals like Azusa Street, Brownsville and Asbury were powerful, but they were localized. The coming move of God will be global.
“The early rain covered an entire region,” Bevere says. “That’s what’s coming again, only greater.”
This isn’t about hype. It’s about preparing our hearts for what God is about to do.
Cry Out for the Rain
In Zechariah 10:1, God commands: “Ask Me for rain in the time of the latter rain.”
That means we have a role to play. We can’t just wait for it to happen—we need to cry out for it.
Bevere challenges believers to pray fervently:
“We’re not going to experience this revival by being passive. We need to hunger for it, expect it, and ask for it.”
And here’s the truth: It’s coming.
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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.