Some of the top prophetic voices have spoken about the direct, biblical connections occurring right now as President Trump announced his plans for the U.S. to take over the Gaza Strip.
Pastor Mike Signorelli of V1 Church spoke on this issue during a livestream, pointing out how this echoes the wars and rumors of wars that we see spoken about in Scripture.
“The Bible’s filled with warnings about wars, rumors of wars, battles over Israel and its surrounding territories,” Signorelli says.
Signorelli points to Luke 21:24, which reads, “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled,” which just may be in the process of coming to completion. While we cannot know for certain if this is what is happening, it does appear to be a potential sign of the end times.
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Since the creation of Israel as a nation, we’ve seen the Israeli people returning to their homeland, just as the Bible says will happen during the end times.
“Could Gaza and Trump’s involvement be part of this larger prophetic timeline that is going to draw people back?” Signorelli asks.
Amanda Grace also sounded the alarm on this event, relating it back to the books of Isaiah and Daniel.
“Daniel chapter 9 verse 25 [reads], ‘So you are to know and understand that from the issuance of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the coming of the Messiah, the prince. There will be seven weeks of years, and 62 weeks of years. It will be built again with a city, a plaza and a moat, even in times of trouble,'” she says.
Pastor Troy Brewer also chimed in on Trump’s command to overtake Gaza, comparing it to the book of Joshua.
“I’ve been saying, number one, this is a Joshua chapter five moment,” Brewer says. “God Almighty is showing up saying, ‘I’m here to take over’.”
Brewer says that ultimately what we see happening in these times is God preparing to take over and do what only He can do. Just as Brewer says that this is the year of the window where the Lord invades in spaces and transforms things, we are seeing this type of act come to pass at this very moment.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.