Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Tim Sheets: God is ‘Going to Take Out the Garbage’

Wave (Charisma Media archives)

In a vision given to him by the Lord three years ago, prophet Tim Sheets says he saw a huge wave of destruction is coming to America. It’s a wave that won’t touch the Lord’s remnant, but it’s one that will “take out the garbage” in America.

It’s a wave that will shake the foundations of our country, where “hell doesn’t have a chance.”

“We need to go into this fall understanding our God is big enough to handle whatever this is,” Sheets told his congregation in a sermon earlier this month at Oasis Church in Ohio. “Whether it’s [an] antichrist government or liberal progressive wokeism seeking to displace our God, it doesn’t have a chance.”

In his vision, Sheets says he was standing on the shoreline of a beach and saw a huge wave building way out in the ocean.

“It was not one of these pristine beaches that you see in Florida or somewhere,” Sheets says. “The beach was a garbage dump where it was just trashed with garbage everywhere. Garbage was lined up as far as you can see. I was standing there and I saw a rise out there and it was moving our way. It just kept coming and coming and growing and growing and building and building until finally this huge wave accelerated until it crashed all across this shoreline.

“It drug all of the debris, the trash piles, the garbage … it drug it all back out in the undertow. When the undertow hid the trash and then drug everything back out, what was left behind was a pristine beach, beautiful and clean. I knew this was a huge wave of the Holy Spirit that few would even notice. It’s just so far off and they weren’t paying attention.

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“But it’s been building and it’s been coming. It’s like a train that comes over the side of a mountain. It starts to move and it’s not going to stop. Now, this wave is accelerating and it is rising up in a tsunami wave to crash upon abominations. It’s going to crash upon demonic debris; defilement in our land, mockers, blasphemers, woke godless agenda, homosexual agenda, Baals in our government, perversion, corruption, injustice, evil, lies that are marring the landscape. The undertow of this huge wave is going to drag the demonic debris to sea. It’s going to destroy it. I have seen it.”

Sheets says the church will prevail. The Holy Spirit has told him for the past three months that the Godhead is not going to stand down, and that He won’t be a bystander.

Nothing, Sheets says, will stop this tsunami wave or the shaking that is coming to America because the evil that is entrenched in the nation is simply too deep and “people are not listening.”

It is going to cause a major reset for this country, but Sheets sends a warning to believers to “not get shook.”

“The shaking is going to cause a wave of revival,” Sheets says. “It’s going to cause reformation. Hell will not prevail.”

Drawing upon Matthew 7:26-27, that says, “And every one who hears these saying of Mine and does not do them will be likened to a foolish man who build his house on the sand. And the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house. And it fell. And its fall was great.”

“In this vision I saw that the enemy had built his strongholds on sand,” Sheets says. “The foundations of it were sand. He has built sand castles in the eyes of our God. They look good and impressive until the wave comes.”

The Holy Spirit then reminded Sheets of a prophetic word he shared in 2008. Sheets says it’s one of the boldest things the Holy Spirit has ever spoken to him, and it still stirs Sheets today.

“He said, ‘I will not be God emeritus to this nation,'” Sheets says. “I knew He meant it then and He means it now. He said ‘I will not be America’s retired God. I will not be just an honorary God; I won’t be just a figurehead God.’

“Hell is hoping that God is going to be a bystander but He said…’I will not be a bystander. … I will not be supplanted by Baal. I will not allow it. I will not be acknowledged as there but not relevant, there but not listened to, there but with no ruling capacity. I will not stand down from this.'”

In layman’s terms, Sheets says, God says He is “about to take out the garbage.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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