Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

How You Can Support the Missionaries in Your Life This Holiday Season

Living on the field during Christmas is often a two-sided coin for many missionaries. There’s an excitement in being able to share the Good News of this season with the locals you’re ministering to. But at the same time there’s an overwhelming sense of loneliness.

Loneliness is a challenge most missionaries face on a daily basis. But on Christmas, it just seems to hurt more. You know that your family and friends are all getting together, but you’re not there. In a way you can feel almost forgotten.

And to be totally honest, it’s just part of the deal. When we left family and friends, comforts and even our favorite snacks, Christmas—as we knew it—was gone too.

And even though it can be very difficult, most missionaries wouldn’t trade it! We are compelled by the love of Christ to be exactly where we are, and that’s where we want to be. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have moments of being homesick and yearn to be surrounded by the people we love.

So as Christmas approaches, don’t forget your missionaries! Reach out to them, and let them know that you’re thinking of them. I assure you, it will bless them.

Don’t know of any? Modern Day Missions is currently partnered with 586 missionaries in 70 nations. Click here to view our global map showcasing our missionaries all across the globe.

Here are a few ideas of ways you can bless and encourage them in this season.

  1. Make them a short video wishing them a Merry Christmas.
  2. Reply to their holiday newsletter. They most likely took a lot of time putting their Christmas newsletter together. Let them know you read it and are praying for them.
  3. Pray for them. Create a prayer card, and place it somewhere you can see it daily. Pray for it every time you notice it, and reach out to the missionary family to let them know you’re doing so.
  4. Consider the missionaries’ children. If they have children, do something special for them. Send them a package with little goodies.
  5. Bless them by supporting them with a financial gift. Missionaries’ needs often stretch beyond their regular support. Ask them what you can give toward. Most likely, they’ll have an idea on the tip of their tongue, and it might be one of the most meaningful things they receive this year.
  6. Share encouraging books or blogs with them. While on the mission field, missionaries are constantly pouring out and are in desperate need of resources that feed them spiritually. {eoa}

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