Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025

5 Reasons to Care About Muslims

Muslim man praying during Ramadan

Reason No. 3: The Cross

I once heard third-hand that a Muslim debater told him that the idea that Jesus died for his sins was the equivalent of him standing by the shoreline when, suddenly, a man runs and jumps into the ocean and drowns himself needlessly.

Every Muslim is different, but this point could be fairly broadly applied to many Muslims. When they hear “Jesus died for you,” the default reaction is: Why would he do such a silly thing?

Such is the reaction of anyone taught to believe that God accepts people if they do the right works.

We wield an incredible power: the message of a self-sacrificing Christ who willingly endured death out of his unconditional love for us.

Yet many Christians waste their time with other detours—the Allah “moon god” theory, or Muhammad’s wives, etc.—when the idea of the substitutionary atonement of Christ has the power to be so radically transforming to the Muslim ear.

Evangelistically, why would we bring a fleshly argument to a God-fight? We are, quite frankly, sitting upon the most earth-shattering message of human history: the cross and resurrection of God’s own Son.

You don’t need to read the Qur’an or speak Arabic to witness to a Muslim. These things help, certainly. But if you understand the focal point of the gospel—the cross—you can share Christ with anyone with love and power.

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