Sat. Mar 29th, 2025
Disease X (Charisma News YouTube)

After media reports began early this year of a possible ‘Disease X,’ many have found themselves wondering if another pandemic would emerge this year.

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, prophetic voice Joseph Z discussed how this year was not just a year of potential fear and turmoil from an unidentified sickness, but that ‘X’ in itself has a greater meaning of the season God is bringing us into.

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X has appeared three times in recent culture. We’ve seen Elon Musk change Twitter’s name to X, the fear of ‘Disease X’ has begun and when the coming April 8 eclipse appears it will come as Z says, “a seven-year crisscross, an X on the nation.”

America is being given a chance to either experience the ignition of Holy Spirit fire or turn into a Nineveh. We are in a season where the choice for the kind of future we desire is in our hands. We can either cry out to the Lord in repentance and submission to His will, or we can run away from His holy face. As Z points out, even the places where the eclipse crosses over include towns named “Nineveh,” giving us a chance to choose the path we will go down.

“The Lord showed me strongly that we would have either fire of repentance in America or Nineveh. Nineveh or fire,” Z says.

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Disease X is already in the works. Discussions of a virus from powerful individuals like Bill Gates is leading Z to believe that a ‘practice run’ for the type of virus that could spread the next is already being worked on in secret.

“[Gates] put out a video talking about the ‘Seers’ virus that would come out in 2025. And they’ve already run drills on it,” Z says. “They say it’s massively respiratory.”

America is moving from a season of grace to a season of mercy. The coming eclipse marks a seven-year period from the last time that an eclipse happened, and the next seven will be pivotal for the types of experiences that come our way.

Just as it was in the story of Joseph where there were seven years of abundance and seven years of famine, Z sees that this could also be the same case for the U.S. While the darkness may settle over the land just as it did in Egypt, there will be light and provision for God’s people, just as it was in the region of Goshen during Joseph’s time.

“The next seven years is going to be a time of Goshen,” Z says. “It will be dark in Egypt, but it will be light in Goshen, and God’s going to provide for you. He’s going to show out strong for you in the middle of difficulty…”

Whatever may unfold for our nation in the next few years, the most critical thing that believers can do is continue to stand firm on the Word of God and spread the light of the gospel to all of creation.

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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